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coat of arms Circle
Vitodurania coat of arms Vitodurania circle.jpg
Basic data
University location: Winterthur
University / s: Canton schools Im Lee , Rychenberg and Büelrain
Founding: October 29, 1863
Place of foundation: Winterthur
Corporation association : Swiss High School Association (1865–1882),
Eastern Swiss Cartel (1919)
Color status : colored
Colours: blue-white-blue
(percussion: silver)
Cap: blue flat cap
Type of Confederation: Men's association
Position to the scale : not striking
Motto: litteris et amicitiae
Total members: about 300
Active: approx. 20

The Vitodurania is a 1863 founded postsecondary connection of the three grammar schools in Lee , Rychenberg and Büelrain in Winterthur in Switzerland . The school association is the oldest still existing school and student association in Winterthur and also older than all the student associations of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), which was founded in 1874 .


The Gymnasialverein Winterthur was founded on October 29, 1863 by six students from the municipal high school in Winterthur . On December 20, 1862, the Winterthur high school association changed its name to Paideia (gr. Παιδεία = paideia for education). This name change is due to the newly added purpose of the association , namely the «instruction and education of its members». It is also decided to wear colors , namely red-white-blue. Red and white for Winterthur, blue for the canton of Zurich . The colors were changed to blue-white-blue months later (on May 31, 1864) with the addition of four more members.

After it was founded, the association was initially based on 31 paragraphs and the guiding principle of «promoting scientific endeavors and independence in work through instructive and entertaining exercises and establishing closer ties between the members». The activities of the young association included a weekly two-hour session as well as the writing of a journal with poetic and humorous works. The first contact with another connection took place in August 1864 with the Gymnasia Turicensis from Zurich and was a decisive step towards the introduction of student manners and customs in the still young Paideia connection . The still official motto litteris et amicitiae was introduced on October 12, 1864. Translated as "education and friendship", the connection is still based on this principle today. On October 8, 1865, Paideia was one of the founding members of the Swiss Gymnasium Association.

In the summer of 1866 the connection had its first crisis. Because of excessive fidelity, the rectorate of the grammar school forbids pubs after eleven o'clock and contacts with other connections. But a little later, the students hold the third foundation festival in silence (on October 5th of the same year) and they meet again on special occasions such as Christmas summer or a torchlight procession in honor of the resigning Rector Geilfus . Meetings with other connections, which had been banned since 1866, came back to life when gymnastics and fencing lessons were introduced in 1869. However, the revival meets with resistance from the teachers' convents in various high schools and the association was forced, under threat of dissolution, to expel unworthy members, to abolish the beer comment and to refrain from all contact with other associations.

Vito's regular pub since 1892: The association's own Haus zur Sonne

Eight years after it was founded, the association decides in 1871 to call itself Vitodurania ( Latin Vitudurum for Winterthur ) and thus receives its current name. Due to rumors about the pub running and a printed comment that got into the hands of the school council, Vitodurania got into trouble again with the teaching staff, but was able to prevent the dissolution by giving in to the outside world. In 1882 the Swiss Gymnasium Association, which had only existed loosely for years, dissolved again. In 1891, after the dissolution of Industria in 1890 (founded before 1865, but banned afterwards; reconstitution in 1871), industrial students are now also admitted to the Vitodurania. In 1892, the sun became the favorite pub of Vitodurania and remained so with an interruption from 1896 to 1898 until today. In 1896 Vitodurania only had two members due to competition from the abstainers' association Humanitas and a student association founded a few years earlier, but Vitodurania became members again when the student association was dissolved.

Alt-Vitodurania, the Vitodurania old gentlemen's association, was founded on October 12, 1902, with Eduard Sulzer-Ziegler as the founding president . There was already an attempt to found an old gentlemen's association in Zurich in May 1885 , but it did not last . On June 15, 1919, the de facto pre-existing Eastern Switzerland cartel between Scaphusia Schaffhausen , Rhetorika St. Gallen , Thurgovia and Vitodurania was officially founded after Thurgovia had applied for membership to the cartel. Thurgovia, however, resigned in 1926 and was not resumed until 1946. In 1999 the regular restaurant zur Sonne was bought by the “Vito-Haus zur Sonne” association founded for this purpose by the old gentlemen's association and has been managed by it ever since.


The Vitodurania connection is divided into two large associations. On the one hand the Aktivitas and on the other hand the old gentlemen's association .


All active members belong to the Aktivitas association . They organize events and take care of the ongoing activities of the association. The Aktivitas is composed of the boys , the Fuxen and Spefuxen .

In Vitodurania, as in many other connections, there is a hierarchy and a life path that is followed. The newcomer begins as a Spefux without rights or obligations; he is a guest. In this phase he gains insight into the nature of the connection and can decide to join. After a baptism, he becomes a fux and officially enters the Vitodurania. This also gives him his vulgo . Above all, he now has to take on a number of duties that maintain the active everyday life of the connection. The Fuxe has practically no rights, he usually cannot hold offices, is subordinate to the Fuxmajoren and has no voting rights in a beer community. The Fuxenzeit also serves to get to know the connection, which is why the Fuxen also enjoy a certain freedom from fools.

At the end of the Fuxenzeit, the Fuxe must take the boyhood exam to become a boy . The exam includes a questionnaire about the background and the active life of the connection, as well as a cantus exam in the Vitodurania, for which an average of 50 canters must be learned by heart. The fellow has far more rights and fewer duties than the Fux. He has the right to vote, can hold offices and no longer has to organize events or take care of active club life. The boys' time usually begins after graduating from high school and serves to concentrate on studying. It takes a year until the boy becomes an old man.

Old Masters Association

The Association of Old Men (also Association of Old Men) is the last station of a liaison member. The old men support the association mainly financially. You are released from all duties and enjoy the prestige and respect of the entire Aktivitas. One is an old man for a lifetime, which is also a principle of the Vitodurania connection; a connection for life. At present, over 300 Vitodurania members are affiliated with the Old Masters Association.


There are various offices in the Aktivitas. At the top is the President ( Praeses ), who leads and delegates the Aktivitas. Then come other guys who hold various offices:

  • Cantusmagister: Responsible for teaching the Fuxen Kantüsser and usually also the person who starts the Kantüsser.
  • Turnmagister: Only recently activated again, the Turnmagister takes care of further sporting activities of the club and organizes them.
  • Quaestor and actuary : these two offices are often held by one and the same person.
  • Fuxmajor : Probably the most important position in Aktivitas, he is responsible for training and educating the foxes.

Known members

Well-known former, deceased members of Vitodurania are: the patron Theodor Reinhart , the co-founder of the trading house Volkart Johann Georg Volkart , the entrepreneur and politician Eduard Sulzer-Ziegler , national and city councilor Robert Bühler , National Bank President Gottlieb Bachmann , the art collector Arthur Hahnloser , the Poet Hans Reinhart , the psychoanalyst Gustav Bally and the painter Rudolf Zender . Former members of the association were also the deceased mayor of Winterthur, Hans Sträuli , Hans Widmer and Hans Rüegg .

The Vitodurania archivist is the student historian Peter Hauser . The Zurich cantonal councilor Dieter Kläy is also on the board of the old men’s association .


  • Karl Mietlich: 100 years of Vitodurania 1863–1963 . Winterthur 1963.
  • Ernst Jung, Alfred Stamm, Peter Hauser : Seventy-five years old gentlemen's association Vitodurania, 1902–1977 . Gehring, Winterthur 1977.
  • Alt-Vitodurania (Hrsg.): Festchronik 125 years Vitodurania. A souvenir book of the festivities of the 125th anniversary of Vitodurania from 8 to 12 September 1988 in and around Winterthur . Ziegler Druck- und Verlags-AG , Winterthur 1988.
  • Peter Hauser : Student customs with special consideration of the Vitodurania . Winterthur 1998.

Web links

Commons : Vitodurania  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Hauser: Chronicle of Vitodurania, 1863–1988 . In: Alt-Vitodurania (Hrsg.): Festchronik 125 years Vitodurania . Winterthur 1988, pp. 49-50.
  2. Peter Hauser: Chronicle of Vitodurania, 1863–1988 . In: Alt-Vitodurania (Hrsg.): Festchronik 125 years Vitodurania . Winterthur 1988, p. 51.
  3. Peter Hauser: Chronicle of Vitodurania, 1863–1988 . In: Alt-Vitodurania (Hrsg.): Festchronik 125 years Vitodurania . Winterthur 1988, p. 52.
  4. Peter Hauser: Chronicle of Vitodurania, 1863–1988 . In: Alt-Vitodurania (Hrsg.): Festchronik 125 years Vitodurania . Winterthur 1988, pp. 52-55.
  5. ^ Adrian Knoepfli: From the rule of the democrats to red-green. In: Erwin Eugster (Ed.): From 1850 to the present. Between steam and bytes - technology, culture, innovation. (= Winterthur city history. Volume 2). Chronos Verlag , Zurich 2014, ISBN 978-3-0340-1212-6 , p. 119.
  6. Niels Walter: Herrenklub takes over oldest pub . In: Tages-Anzeiger , December 9, 1999, p. 23.
  7. ^ Vitodurania (Ed.): Articles of Association, Color Comment and Beer Comment of Vitodurania . Winterthur 1981, pp. 6-8.
  8. Alex Hoster: Friendships for Life . In: Der Landbote , September 14, 2013, p. 11.
  9. Michael Graf: The old lad's glory . In: Der Landbote , July 18, 2013, p. 17.
  10. ^ Vitodurania (Ed.): Articles of Association, Color Comment and Beer Comment of Vitodurania . Winterthur 1981, pp. 3-5.
  11. George Stutz: Vito celebrates its 150th anniversary . In: Winterthurer Stadtanzeiger , September 10, 2013, p. 6.
  12. [[Peter Hauser (Author) |]]: The «Vito»: the former Winterthur «Who's who». In: Gesellschaft Winterthurer Jahrbuch (Ed.): Winterthurer Jahrbuch 2015. Winterthur 2014, ISBN 978-3-9524286-1-0 , pp. 140–142.
  13. Current and former engagements . Personal website of Dieter Kläy. Retrieved April 4, 2016.