Johannes Mahusius

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Johannes Mahusius (* around 1507 in Oudenarde ; † October 4, 1572 there ) was the first Catholic bishop of Deventer from 1561 to 1568 .


Mahusius was born in Oudenarde around 1507 (the exact date of his birth is not known), studied in Leuven and entered the order of the Franciscan Minorites . There he earned a high reputation as a preacher and scholar. In 1537 he was lecturer in the monastery of his order at Antwerp , in 1539 in Leuven, in 1551 Guardian in Brussels . As such, Queen Maria , governor of the Netherlands, sent him to the Council of Trent . In April 1552 he returned home.

The Diocese of Deventer was founded on May 12, 1559 by the Bull Super Universas of Pope Paul IV . King Philip II proposed Johannes Mahusius to Cardinal Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle as bishop of the new diocese. On March 15, 1560, de Granvelle sent a list to Rome recommending Mahusius as a candidate for the bishopric of Deventer. Formally he was on August 8, 1561 by Pius VI. appointed Bishop of Deventer, but due to the Reformation he was never able to take possession of his diocese and was not ordained a bishop because of his age and physical weakness . In 1568 he resigned from the episcopate.

According to contemporaries, in 1572 he was an old, sick man who could no longer move or get out of bed. He was found by a group of " Geusen " or "Huguenots" (Reformed) in the Franciscan monastery of Oudenarde and, as Laurentius Surius and Heinrich Fabricius describe it, was so badly mistreated that he died. The contemporary source describes it as follows: “ He was wonderfully pounded / pulled / beaten / named him by the robes / threw him from beth on the ground / and each pushed him as cruel wonder of itself. "

Johannes Mahusius died in 1572 in the Franciscan monastery of Oudenarde, where he had spent most of his life. The Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie names 1572 as the year of his abuse and death and refers to the grave inscription, which, according to Reusch, was not written until 1655. Sometimes other years are also mentioned, for example Gasman reports in the Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek that Mahusius did not resign until 1570, and van der Aa dates his death on May 10, 1577.


  • Epitome annotationum in Novum Testamentum . 1538.
  • Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum . Antwerp 1548.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b G. Gasman: Mahusius, Johannes . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 1. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 1295 (Dutch, - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1911, reprint unchanged).
  2. C. Smet: Heylige en roemweerdige persoonen ... bezonderlyle .... om de Roomsch-Catholyke Religie in geheel Nederland . De Haes, Brussels 1809, p. 461f.
  3. Johann Samuelansch (ed.): General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts . First section: A – G, Leipzig 1833, p. 307
  4. Laurentius Surius, Heinrich Fabricius: Kurtze Chronick Unserer Zeit: Understanding the foremost trades, so both in religious and secular matters happened almost in the whole world . Volume 3. Ach, 1576, p. 281
predecessor Office successor
--- Bishop of Deventer
Aegidius de Monte