John Philip Saklil

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Bishop John Philip Saklil

John Philip Saklil (born March 20, 1960 in Kokonao , West Timika, Indonesia ; † August 3, 2019 in Timika , Papua Province , Indonesia) was an Indonesian clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Timika .


After his philosophical and theological training, John Philip Saklil was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Jayapura on October 23, 1988 .

Pope John Paul II appointed him on December 19, 2003 as the first bishop of the diocese of Timika, established on the same date. He received his episcopal ordination on April 18th of the next year by the Bishop of Jayapura , Leo Laba Ladjar OFM ; Co- consecrators were Aloysius Murwito OFM, Bishop of Agats , and Jacobus Duivenvoorde MSC , Archbishop of Merauke .

John Philip Saklil was Chairman of the Youth Commission and Chairman of the Commission for Social and Economic Development in the Indonesian Bishops' Conference.

He was also appointed Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Merauke in Papua on July 27, 2019 by Pope Francis .

John Philip Saklil died a few days later after a fall in the hospital of Timika, Papua.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b "Uskup Timika John Saklil meninggal dunia" on from August 3, 2019
  2. "Mgr John Philip Saklil Ditunjuk Sebagai Administrator Apostolik Sede Plena Keuskupan Agung Merauke" on of July 27, 2019
predecessor Office successor
--- Bishop of Timika
Sedis vacancy