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Joktan ( Hebrew יָקְטָן) is a son of Eber and a descendant of Noach in the Old Testament .

Biblical report

Joktan is only mentioned in the genealogical table Gen 10.25–29  EU and in the family tree 1 Chr 1.19–23  EU . He is Eber's son, Schelach's grandson and descendant of Shem , Noah's son. His brother is called Peleg . Joktan is Abraham's great, great, great- uncle . His 13 sons are Almodad , Shelef , Hazarmawet , Jerach , Hadoram , Usal , Dikla, Obal, Abimael, Sheba , Ofir , Hawila and Jobab. They settled from Mescha via Sefar to the Eastern Mountains. The section Gen 10: 25–29  EU , in which Joktan and his sons are mentioned, does not belong to the priestly scriptures. On the other hand, his brother Peleg is mentioned in both priestly and non-priestly texts. The sons of Joktan denote South Arabian population groups.

Qahtan in Arabic tradition

Under the name Qahtan ( Arabic قحطان, DMG Qaḥṭān ) or Yoqtan , the biblical patriarch Joktan is considered the progenitor of the southern Arabs , z. B. Queen Bilqis of Sheba and many others. According to Yemeni tradition, Qahtan himself is said to have been the son of the prophet Hud .

By merging his descendants with the North Arabian descendants of Abraham's son Ishmael or Ishmael's son Adnan , the Arab people emerged , according to Arabic tradition. Ishmael herself was married to a descendant of Jorham, a son of Qahtan.

Hebrew tradition

According to Hebrew views, Joktan is also considered to be the progenitor of the Joktanites , who are counted among the Hebrews along with the Nahorites , Amalekites , Ammonites , Moabites , Midianites , Israelites and Edomites . The north Arab Edomites are the descendants of Esau with Ishmael's daughter Mahalat , according to the Bible.

It is believed that Joktan is identical to the Jokschan mentioned elsewhere in the Bible .


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