Josef Eckard

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Josef Eckard (born January 20, 1865 in Markelsheim , † December 2, 1906 in Stuttgart ; also Joseph Eckard ) was a German politician , social reformer and Roman Catholic clergyman .


After attending high school in Mergentheim , Eckard completed a degree in theology at Wilhelmsstift in Tübingen . He was ordained a priest on July 19, 1888. After a brief vicariate he was first parish administrator in Ludwigsburg , then from 1890 city ​​pastor there. Also in 1890 Eckard became the political editor of the Stuttgart newspaper Deutsches Volksblatt . From 1894 to 1903 he was a regular chairman of the delegates 'days of the Catholic workers' associations in southern Germany . In 1895 Eckard won the seat of parliament for the Oberamt Oberndorf in the second chamber in the Württemberg Land estates and was secretary on the executive committee in the electoral period up to 1900.

In 1899 Eckard was co-founder of the Diocesan Association of Catholic Workers' Associations in the Diocese of Rottenburg , from 1900 to 1904 and 1906 its diocesan praeses . Eckard fell seriously ill as early as 1903 and died of cardiac paralysis in 1906.

He is considered a co-founder and leading member of the Center Party in Württemberg . From 1891 he was a member of the Augustinus Association for the care of the Catholic press and also an honorary member of the AV Alania Stuttgart . In 1906 he received the papal order Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice . Until his death, he founded 112 workers' associations, which at that time had over 13,000 members.

Publications (selection)

  • Encyclical Leo XIII. about the labor question. For the use of the workers. Stuttgart, 1896.
  • Why do we found workers' associations? , Stuttgart, 1st edition 1896; 2nd edition 1897.
  • The Württemberg center parliamentary group in the state parliament 1895–1900. A systematic overview of their activities. Political issues of the time in Württemberg 4. Stuttgart, 1900.
  • The Württemberg center parliamentary group in the state parliament 1901–1906. A systematic overview of their activities. Political issues of the time in Württemberg 9–12. Stuttgart, 1906 (several issues).


  • Frank Raberg : Biographical handbook of the Württemberg state parliament members 1815-1933 . On behalf of the Commission for Historical Regional Studies in Baden-Württemberg. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-17-016604-2 , p. 155 .
  • Ludwig Anderl: The Red Chaplains , Munich 1961, pp. 50–53.