Josef Glazik

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Josef Glazik MSC (born February 1, 1913 in Haspe ; † 1997 ) was a Sacred Heart missionary and university professor .


He attended the secondary school in Hagen and from 1926 the grammar school of the Hiltrup Herz-Jesu missionaries in Boppard and Hiltrup . After graduating from high school in Heinsberg in 1933 , he entered the novitiate of the Hiltrup missionaries in Vussem and made his profession in 1937 . He studied philosophy with the Sacred Heart Missionaries in Kleve and then theology at the Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana until 1940 . He was ordained a priest in Rome on July 30, 1939 . After military service in World War II and subsequent Soviet captivity, he studied mission sciences in Münster from 1950 , where he received his doctorate in 1953 ( The Russian Orthodox Heidenmission since Peter the Great . An attempt at mission history based on Russian sources and representations ) and was a research assistant for five years . After his habilitation ( The Islamic Mission of the Russian Orthodox Church. An investigation into the history of missions based on Russian sources and representations ) on February 5, 1958, he was appointed first associate professor for mission studies at the University of Würzburg on February 1, 1959 and full professor on October 23, 1961 at the University of Münster .

Fonts (selection)


  • as editor Hans Waldenfels : ... because I am with you (Mt 28, 20). Perspectives in Christian mission consciousness today. Festival ceremony for Josef Glazik and Bernward Willeke on their 65th birthday . Zurich 1978, ISBN 3-545-24059-2 .
  • On the death of the missiologists Josef Glazik MSC and Bernward H. Willeke OFM , in: Neue Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft . 54, 1 (1998), p. 50, ISSN  0028-3495 .
  • Giancarlo Collet : Obituary P. Prof. Dr. Josef Glazik MSC † , in: Journal for Mission Studies and Religious Studies . 82, 1 (1998), pp. 38-39, ISSN  0044-3123 .

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