Josef Kindel

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Josef Kindel (1945)

Josef (Jozef) Kindel (born October 23, 1912 in Cologne-Lindenthal , † August 5, 1948 in Almelo ) was a member of the German SD during the occupation of the Netherlands.


Josef Kindel was originally a plumber by profession. It is not known when he became a member of the SD. Most recently he had the rank of SS-Unterscharfuhrer . At the time of the German occupation of the Netherlands, he initially worked for the border police in Delfzijl until he was transferred to the Groningen Scholtenhuis , the Gestapo headquarters there, in 1943 . A short time later he learned that his wife and children had been killed in an Allied bombing raid ; then he is said to have changed a lot.

Kindel became assistant to SD department head Robert Lehnhoff and was involved in the torture of prisoners as well as in a large number of murders of resistors and hostages, often together with Helmut Schäper , with whom he shared the office. In 1944 and 1945 he was involved in the executions of resistance members in Makkum , Anloo and Norg . During interrogations in the Scholtenhuis , Kindel used to set his German shepherd dog Astrid on the prisoners, who then bit them. He is also said to have raped female inmates.

After the end of the Second World War , Kindel was due to be tried in Groningen for his actions. Before that, he suffered a cerebral haemorrhage while in custody and was hospitalized until he died in 1948 at the age of 35. Rumor has it that he was pushed down a flight of stairs by his guards with his hands tied behind his back.

Kindel was first buried in the Catholic cemetery in Almelo and later reburied in the German war cemetery in Ysselsteyn .


In 1953 the Dutch journalist Willem Nagel wrote a series of essays under the pseudonym JB Charles under the title Volg het spoor terug . One of the articles dealt with Josef Kindel and begins with the sentence "Vandaag hoor ik dat Joseph K. zich in zijn cel heeft opgehangen", a reference to Kafka's The Trial . Kafka is an unclear process, Charles is a process that never took place, "but should have taken place," says Charles. The book was awarded the prose prize of the city of Amsterdam in 1954 .

Individual evidence

  1. Het Scholtenhuis, virtuele reconstructie '44'45. In: Retrieved April 20, 2020 (Dutch).
  2. ^ René ten Dam: Groningen - Liquidatieslachtoffers in het Westerkwartier. In: April 30, 2014, accessed April 20, 2020 (Dutch).
  3. a b Massagraven in Anloo en Norg - Verzet en verraad. In: Retrieved April 20, 2020 .
  4. Femke Knoop: Dood en verderf in het Scholtenhuis. In: Geschiedenis Beleven. July 20, 2014, accessed October 7, 2016 (Dutch).
  5. a b Wilhelmina Engelina Meiboom: Bijzonder punished. Context, analyze in waardering van de bijzondere Rechtsspraak door de Kamer Groningen van het Bijzonder Gerechtshof Leeuwarden en cassaties in Groningse zaken . Phil. Diss., Leiden University, 2016, p. 218 .
  6. a b Josef Kindel (1912-1948). In: October 23, 1912, accessed April 21, 2020 .
  7. Anneliesje Marije Groos: Een hard en waakzaam woord. Engagement in de literaire tijdschriften van de 'long jaren vijftig' (1950-1963) . Universiteit Leiden, 2016, p. 138 .