Josias Simler

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Josias Simmler (engraving from the 18th century)

Josias Simler (also Josias Simmler ; born November 6, 1530 in Kappel am Albis , † July 2, 1576 in Zurich ) was a Swiss theologian and historian .


Kappel Monastery and the Alps

His parents were Peter Simler (1486–1557), conventual and prior in the monastery Kappel am Albis, and his wife Anna Huser († 1555). His grandfather was Rudolf Simler (1449–1534), mayor of Rheinau. His sister Margaretha (* 1541) was married to the pastor in Embrach, Hans Frey († 1569).


«Haus zur Sul»: the official residence of Ulrich Zwingli (1522–1525) and his collaborators Jacobus Ceporinus (1526), Conrad Pelicanus (1526–1556) and the teachers at the Grossmünsterstift , Petrus Martyr Vermilius (1556–1562) and Josias Simmler (1563 -1576).

In 1544 Simler went to Zurich to study under his godfather Heinrich Bullinger . He continued his studies in Basel and Strasbourg . In 1552 he became professor for exegesis of the New Testament in Zurich and in 1560 for theology. From 1555 he began the Bibliotheca universalis of Conrad Gessner reissue. In his work De Alpibus commentarius , which was the first work that dealt extensively with the Alps , he collected all the information about the mountains from the works of various other authors with comments from his own experience. Simler also wrote other works on Swiss cultural studies, such as De Republica Helvetiorum (abstract of the Chronicle by Johannes Stumpf , 1547/48) or Vallesiae Descriptio . He also advised Ulrich Campell in formulating its Raetiae alpestris descriptio Topographica ( Topographical Description of Alpine Raetia / Rhaetian Alpine country. Churchill 1573). The Simler snowfield in Antarctica is named in his honor.


In 1551 he married Elisabeth Bullinger (1532–1565), a daughter of the reformer Heinrich Bullinger (1504–1575) and Anna Adlischwyler († 1564). After her death, he married Magdalena (1550–1625 / 26), daughter of pastor Rudolf Gwalther (1519–1586) and Regula Zwingli (1524–1565) in 1566 . He had three sons:

  • Josias (1567–1588), pastor, died as a field preacher in Henry's campaign of Navarre
  • Rudolf (1568; † February 15, 1611), Dr. med. in Montpellier, from 1601 to 1611 professor of logic and rhetoric in Zurich
  • Kaspar (1574–1611), master goldsmith in Zurich

His daughter Dorothea (* 1571) married Kaspar Waser (1565–1625), professor of theology in Zurich, his grandson from this marriage was the Zurich Antistes Hans Caspar Waser (1612–1677).


De Alpibus commentarius 1574
  • Oratio de vita et obitu clarissimi viri et praestantissimi theologi D. Petri Martyris Vermilii. Zurich 1563 ( necrology to Petrus Martyr Vermilius ).
  • Vita clarissimi philosophi et medici excellentissimi Conradi Gesneri. Zurich 1566 (necrology to Conrad Gessner ).
  • De aeterno Dei filio. Zurich 1568 ( About the Eternal Son of God ).
  • Vallesiae descriptio, libri duo: de alpibus commentarius ( Description of the Valais. Two volumes. Commentary on the Alps ). Zurich 1574.
    • New edition / translation: De Alpibus commentarius. The Alps. Editing, translating, explaining and introducing v. Alfred Steinitzer. With one hundred and twelve illustrations. Society of Alpine Book Friends, Munich 1931, OCLC 504343489 .
  • Narratio de ortu, vita et obitu reverendi viri D. Henrici Bullingeri, Tigurinae Ecclesiae pastoris. Zurich 1575 (necrology based on Heinrich Bullinger ).
  • Regiment Commendable Eydgnoscreation. Zurich 1576.
  • De Republica Helvetiorum Libri duo. Zurich 1577 ( two books on the Swiss Republic ).


Web links

Commons : Josias Simmler  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files