Judith Schwarz

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Judith Schwarz (* 1989 in Vienna ) is an Austrian jazz musician ( drums , composition ).

Live and act

Schwarz comes from a family of musicians; her mother is the double bass player Gina Schwarz , her father a jazz pianist. At the age of five she received a drum kit. She attended a music high school with a focus on classical music, but then decided as a teenager for drums and jazz. She graduated from the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz with a degree in jazz drums with a focus on composition with Herbert Pirker in 2015; There she received her master’s degree in February 2018, after she also studied at the Jazzcampus Basel with Julio Baretto, Gregor Hilbe , Jorge Rossy , Hans Feigenwinter and Jeff Ballard .

Already during her studies she was a drummer in the Chufffdrone quintet , for which she also composed and with whom she performed worldwide (2019 at the INNtöne Jazz Festival and the Moers Festival ; album 2015). She also belongs to the 13-member band collective Little Rosies Kindergarten , the trio First Gig Never Happened and the trio Go Ask Alice ; she also formed a duo with the woodwind player Lisa Hofmaninger . Since 2017 she has been part of Gina Schwarz 'project Pannonica (album 2020); there she also appeared with Ingrid Jensen , Sylvie Courvoisier , Karin Hammar , Camila Meza , Angelika Niescier and Julia Hülsmann . She is also active in other formations such as the Peter Ponger New Trio and the Vienna Klezmore Orchestra . Christian Muthspiel brought her to his Orjazztra Vienna in 2019 , with whom she performed at the Saalfelden International Jazz Festival.

Since September 2019 she has also worked at the Burgtheater in Vienna as a theater musician in Bastian Kraft's Mephisto performance. With Chuffdrone , she received the "BAWAG Next Generation Jazz Award" in 2013. For the 2018/19 season she received the promotion award The New Austrian Sound of Music with the trio "First Gig Never Happened" and for the 2020/2021 season with the duo Hofmaninger / Schwarz.

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