Julius Heinrich Petermann

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Julius Heinrich Petermann

Julius Heinrich Petermann (born August 12, 1801 in Glauchau , † June 10, 1876 in Bad Nauheim ) was a German orientalist .


Petermann received his doctorate in Berlin in 1829 on the Targum Jonathan for the Pentateuch . Between 1830 and 1837 he was a private lecturer, from 1837 extraordinary professor for oriental philology in Berlin at the university. Johann Gottfried Wetzstein , Consul in Damascus and the Prussian King supported trips to Syria, Mesopotamia and Persia from 1852 to 1855. From 1868 to 1869 he was consul in Jerusalem .

He learned Armenian from a mechitharist father Eduard on the island of San Lazzaro , which belongs to Venice . In his Grammatica linguae Armeniacae he was able to prove that Armenian belongs to the Indo-European languages . He wrote about Armenian culture as well as the music of the Armenians in 1851 and their history in 1866.

Petermann was interested in religious minorities such as the Samaritans , Druze , Mandaeans , Yazidis , Parsees and Ahl-e Haqq . Information about these groups is given in his two-volume travel report Reisen im Orient . He did pioneering work with the Samaritans and Mandaeans.

He learned the Samaritan pronunciation tradition of Hebrew from a Samaritan priest in Nablus . He began with a critical edition of the Samaritan Pentateuch , of which he was able to bring out the first two volumes. The continuation of volumes three to five was brought out by Karl Vollers .

Petermann brought out the first edition and Latin translation of the two Mandaean writings Ginzā and Sidrā Rabbā ("The treasure", "The great book") in his thesaurus sive liber magnus . He acquired two collections of 1532 oriental manuscripts for the royal library in Berlin. With Porta linguarum Orientalium he founded a series of concise textbooks on oriental languages ​​in 1840, each with chrestomathies . In this series he published volumes on Arabic, Chaldean, Armenian, Hebrew and Samaritan .

Petermann was a member of the Berlin Freemason Lodge Friedrich Wilhelm for Crowned Justice . In 1850 he was accepted as a full member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences . From 1869 he was a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Members of the previous academies. Heinrich Petermann. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences , accessed on May 21, 2015 .
  2. ^ Foreign members of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1724. Julius Heinrich Petermann. Russian Academy of Sciences, accessed October 15, 2015 .

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