Yuri Vladimirovich Usachev

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Yuri Usachev
Yuri Usachev
Country: Russia
selected on January 25, 1989
Calls: 4 space flights
Start of the
first space flight:
January 8, 1994
Landing of the
last space flight:
August 22, 2001
Time in space: 552d 22h 25min
EVA inserts: 6th
EVA total duration: 30h 31min
retired on April 2004
Space flights

Juri Wladimirowitsch Ussatschow ( Russian Юрий Владимирович Усачёв , scientific transliteration Jurij Vladimirovič Usačëv ; born October 9, 1957 in Donetsk , Rostov Oblast , RSFSR , USSR ) is a former Russian cosmonaut .

Ussachev graduated from the public college in 1975. He received an engineering degree from the Moscow State Aviation Institute in 1985. He then took up a position at the space company RKK Energija, where he was responsible for training outboard activities and for public relations.

Ussachev is married and has one daughter.

After his first space flight in 1994, Ussachev was named Hero of the Russian Federation and also received the medal for pilots and cosmonauts.

During his fourth and final space flight, he was a member of the second long-term crew of the international space station and was the commander of the ISS expedition 2 .

See also

Web links

Commons : Yuri Usachev  - collection of images