Justus Olshausen

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Justus Olshausen (born May 9, 1800 in Hohenfelde (Steinburg) , † December 28, 1882 in Berlin ) was a German orientalist and university professor .


Justus Olshausen was the son of Superintendent Detlev Olshausen . Hermann Olshausen , Theodor Olshausen and Wilhelm Olshausen are his brothers. He studied oriental languages at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel , the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin and the Sorbonne (with Silvestre de Sacy ). During his studies he became a member of the Old Kiel Burschenschaft in 1816 and took part in the first Wartburg Festival in 1817 .

Immediately after receiving his doctorate in Kiel as Dr. phil. he was appointed associate professor at Kiel University in 1823 and full professor in 1830 . Like Niels Nikolaus Falck , he was rector of the CAU five times : 1836/37, 1839/40, 1840/41, 1845/46 and 1846/47. In 1841 he went on a scientific trip to the Orient. In 1848 he became a curator at the CAU.

At the same time he was vice-president of the state assembly at the time of the Schleswig-Holstein uprising (until 1849) . With her he braced himself against the increasing pressure of the Kingdom of Denmark on the German duchies of Schleswig and Holstein . When the Schleswig-Holstein Army lost the Schleswig-Holstein War , Olshausen was relieved of his position as curator by the Crown of Denmark in 1852 and soon afterwards also from his ordinariate . In 1853 he went to the Albertus University in Königsberg , where his brother Hermann had been Professor of Protestant Theology from 1827 to 1834 . Justus was the senior librarian at the Königsberg University Library and taught oriental languages.

From the end of 1858 to 1874 (over the three wars of unification ) he was a lecturing councilor and speaker for all Prussian universities in the Prussian Ministry of Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs in Berlin . In 1853 he was elected a foreign member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences . From 1860 he was a full member of the Kgl. Prussian Academy of Sciences .

Olshausen's sons were u. a. the gynecologist Robert Michaelis von Olshausen , the chemist Otto Olshausen and the senior Reich attorney and Senate President at the Reichsgericht Justus von Olshausen . Contrary to what is sometimes claimed, the main access road to Kiel University is not named after Justus Olshausen, but after his brother Theodor.

Justus Olshausen died in Berlin in 1882 at the age of 82 and was buried in the Old St. Matthew Cemetery in Schöneberg . The grave has not been preserved.


  • Critical edition of the Zendavesta in two volumes (in Latin): Vendidad Zend-Avestae pars XX: adhuc superstes
  • Emendations to the Old Testament . Kiel 1826
  • The Pehlewil legends on the coins of the last Sâsânids . Copenhagen 1843
  • Catalog of Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Royal Library in Copenhagen . Copenhagen 1851
  • Explanation of the Psalms . Leipzig 1853
  • Hebrew language textbook . Brunswick 1861
  • Examination of the character of the Semitic language contained in the Assyrian cuneiform script . Berlin 1865


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rector's speeches at HKM
  2. Holger Krahnke: The members of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen 1751-2001 (= Treatises of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, Philological-Historical Class. Volume 3, Vol. 246 = Treatises of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, Mathematical-Physical Class. Episode 3, vol. 50). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2001, ISBN 3-525-82516-1 , p. 182.
  3. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende: Lexicon of Berlin tombs . Haude & Spener, Berlin 2006. p. 307.