Käte Hamburger Kollegs for research in the humanities

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The Käte Hamburger Kollegs for research in the humanities are temporary research institutions in the humanities that are based on the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin , but each pursue a specific, overarching research question or topic. To this end, internationally renowned scientists (fellows) are invited to research for a longer period in Germany free of any other obligations. These research colleges, named after the literary critic Käte Hamburger , are funded for six years, but can be extended for a further six years if the evaluation is positive.


The creation of international colleges for research in the humanities is the central element of the Freiraum für Geisteswissenschaften initiative launched by the BMBF in 2007 on the occasion of the year of the humanities . The establishment of the colleges aims to achieve the following goals in particular:

  • To promote an internationally as well as European visible and effective focus of the German humanities at the universities and to strengthen the connections to foreign research centers and institutions.
  • To give outstanding humanities scholars personal freedom to pursue research questions of their own choosing by largely exempting them from university obligations.
  • To enable a learning community that, through systematic confrontation with other knowledge cultures, puts its own, mostly unquestioned, self-evident facts to the test.
  • Involve internationally high-ranking specialist colleagues and representatives in research at German universities.
  • To further develop the humanities methods - including cross- cultural research .
  • To improve the cooperation of disciplinary and regionally specific research on a common problem.
  • To intensify cooperation in the humanities, including small subjects .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. BMBF, description of the funding measures
  2. Press release of the Ruhr University Bochum from September 12, 2007
  3. ^ Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Center for Global Cooperation Research: Welcome to the Center for Global Cooperation Research. Accessed July 24, 2018 (en-EN).