Chamber choir Wernigerode

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Chamber choir Wernigerode
Seat: Wernigerode / Germany
Founding: 2003
Genus: Chamber choir
Founder: Peter Habermann
Head : Benjamin Stielau
Voices : ( SATB )
Website :

The Wernigerode Chamber Choir is a mixed chamber choir from Wernigerode in Saxony-Anhalt with around 30 singers.


The choir was founded in April 2003 by Peter Habermann with former members of the Wernigerode Radio Youth Choir . Choir members are now also former singers from the girls' choir Wernigerode . In 2004, the Chamber Choir Wernigerode eV was registered

The artistic direction was initially in the hands of founding member Peter Habermann, who is now honorary conductor of the ensemble. He was followed in 2010 by Rainer Ahrens, who was also a singer in the Wernigerode Radio Youth Choir when he was at school. Benjamin Stielau has been the artistic director of the choir since summer 2017. In the past, the Wernigerode Chamber Choir has repeatedly worked with various guest conductors. Among others Gunter Berger , Jens Klimek , Anne Kohler ( Hochschule für Musik Detmold ), Wolfgang Kupke ( Landesjugendchor Sachsen-Anhalt ), Tobias Löbner ( Halle madrigalists ) and Andreas Mücksch .

The peculiarity of this choir formation is the great spatial distance of the choir members. Rehearsal and concert weekends take place every 4–6 weeks at different locations in Germany, to which singers from all over Germany travel.

Appearances and awards

In addition to various concerts at home and abroad (Principality of Liechtenstein and Switzerland 2005 and Beijing 2008, China), the ensemble performed, among other things, at the opening concert of the German Choir Association in Magdeburg , which was newly founded in May 2005 . A first prize at the 3rd International Johannes Brahms Choir Festival 2003 in Wernigerode, the award "Participated with outstanding success" and a special prize for the outstanding interpretation of a contemporary choral work at the State Choir Competition 2005 in Bernburg and finally a third prize at the renowned German Choir Competition in Kiel 2006 put the still young ensemble in the ranks of the prominent semi-professional choirs in Germany.

In June 2007 the Wernigerode Chamber Choir won the first " Grand Prix of Choirs " on ZDF .

At the 2nd European Choir Games , which took place in Magdeburg at the beginning of July 2015, the choir won a gold medal in the "Musica Sacra" category (with 87.4 out of 100 points). At the same time, the first Grand Prix of Nations was held in Magdeburg, which also won a gold medal (with 92.6 out of 100 points) in the "Chamber Choirs & Vocal Ensembles" category.

The 10th World Choir Games in Tshwane at the beginning of July 2018 again won the chamber choir two gold medals in the categories "Mixed Chamber Choirs" (with 86.38 out of 100 points) and "Musica Contemporanea" (with 89.13 out of 100 points) . During the performance in the contemporary category, the work "gadji beri bimba" by Jens Klimek , which is based on a Dadaist poem by Hugo Ball and was specially dedicated to the choir for this competition, was premiered.

World premieres

Sound carrier

  1. 2007 Sommarpsalm (Koch Universal)
  2. 2009 How does your light shine so brightly (CC Koepfe)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Results of the Johannes Brahms Choir Festival 2003 .
  2. Results of the European Choir Games 2015 .
  3. Results of the World Choir Games 2018 .