Canton of Julaca

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Canton of Julaca
Basic data

Residents (state) 61 pop (2001)
height 3665  m
Coordinates 20 ° 56 ′  S , 67 ° 36 ′  W Coordinates: 20 ° 56 ′  S , 67 ° 36 ′  W
Canton of Julaca (Bolivia)
Canton of Julaca
Canton of Julaca

Department Potosí
province Nor Lípez Province
Municipio Municipio Colcha "K"
Central place Julaca
Climate diagram Colcha "K"
Climate diagram Colcha "K"

The canton of Julaca is a municipality in the Potosí department in the highlands of the South American Andean state of Bolivia .


The canton (Bolivian: Cantón ) Julaca is one of twelve cantons in the district ( Municipio ) Colcha "K" in the province of Nor Lípez . In the north it borders on the canton of Santiago , in the west on the canton of San Juan , and in the south on the canton of Calcha "K" .

The canton extends between approximately 20 ° 55 'and 20 ° 58' south latitude and 67 ° 32 'and 67 ° 38' west longitude, it measures six kilometers from north to south and ten kilometers from west to east. In the southern part of the canton is the canton's administrative seat, Julaca , with 61 inhabitants ( 2001 census ). The mean altitude of the canton is 3665  m .


The municipality of Colcha "K" is located on the Bolivian Altiplano between the Cordillera Occidental in the west and the Cordillera de Lípez in the southeast at the Salar de Uyuni salt lake . The climate of the region is arid and has a clear time-of-day climate, in which the mean daily temperature fluctuations are greater than the temperature fluctuations over the course of the year.

Significant precipitation falls only in the months of January to March, the remaining nine months of the year are almost free of precipitation, the total precipitation of the region does not reach 100 mm per year (see climate diagram Colcha "K"). The annual average temperature is just under 7 ° C, the monthly values ​​fluctuate only insignificantly between 2 ° C in June / July and 9 ° C from November to March, although nocturnal frosts are possible throughout the year.


The population in the canton was 61 people in the 2001 census.

The population density of the Municipio Colcha "K" in the last census in 2001 was 0.4 inhabitants / km², the proportion of the population under 15 years of age was 45 percent, and the life expectancy of newborns was 57 years.

The literacy rate among those over 19 was 85 percent, 94 percent for men and 77 percent for women.

The most important idiom with a share of 90 percent is Quechua , 88 percent of the population speak Spanish . 90 percent of the population are Catholic, 6 percent Protestant.

96 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 92 percent live without sanitary facilities.


The canton is not divided into sub-cantons ( vicecantones ) or localities ( localidades ), it only consists of the village Julaca with 61 inhabitants (2001) .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) 2001

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