Capacity regulation

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A capacity regulation contains regulations that apply to technical colleges and universities in a German federal state . It is issued by the administration responsible for science . The CNW contained in the system are important because they serve as the basis for the absorption capacity.


A ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court of July 18, 1972 was of fundamental importance . This overturned the previous practice that every university institution determined its own admission restrictions according to its own methods. The tenor was that the restriction of occupational freedom could only take place on the basis of a law. On this basis, the federal states agreed on a state treaty on the allocation of university places . Each federal state issued a capacity regulation and an allocation regulation as specified . In 1997, specific regulations for medical courses were added.

Standard form

If a course is newly set up or essential values ​​change, the universities submit a form for the course in question. This is achieved in other activities of administration considered. On sheet 1, numbers 1 to 7 (available positions, offer of deputation hours , deputation reductions , teaching hours , the unadjusted course offer, the service requirement and the adjusted course offer) must be indicated and a proposal for determination must be included. Sheet 2 contains basic data for calculating the unadjusted course offer. In this, the job groups and the deduction reductions are to be specified, which must be justified in sheet 2a. Sheet 2b must contain all the information about the degree programs for calculating the adjusted range of courses. Finally, sheet 3 and sheet 3a indicate the annual intake capacity.


A capacity ordinance contains methods for calculating and determining all variables that are relevant for the absorption capacity. It also provides information on abatement and contains rights and obligations for colleges and universities. The fixed curricular standard values ​​are listed in the annexes.

Calculation methods:

  • Calculation of the capacity
  • Indication of teaching hours and deputation hours
  • Calculation of the course offer
  • Determination of the number of admissions
  • Special calculation for medical courses


  • Submission of a report in accordance with Article 6, Paragraph 4 of the State Treaty on the establishment of a joint institution for university admission

Comparison by country

state law regulation Specialty
Baden-Württemberg Law on admission to university studies in Baden-Württemberg Ordinance of the Ministry of Science on the determination of capacity, the curricular standard values ​​and the setting of admission numbers Headings, use of the bandwidth model for Curricularnormwerte, bandwidths of universities by statute set
Bavaria Bavarian University Admissions Act Ordinance on university admission to state universities in Bavaria 8 annexes, use of the range model for curricular standard values
Berlin Berlin University Admissions Act Ordinance on the determination of capacity, the curricular norms and the setting of admission numbers Details of the universities in Appendix II, crediting according to type of course
Brandenburg Brandenburg University Act Ordinance on the determination of capacity for universities Listing of the curricular standard values ​​per college / university
Bremen Bremen University Admissions Act Ordinance on the determination of capacity and the setting of admission numbers no
Hamburg Law on the State Treaty on the Allocation of Study Places Ordinance on the determination of capacity, the curricular norms and the setting of admission numbers no
Hesse Law on the State Treaty on the Allocation of Study Places Ordinance on the determination of capacity, the curricular norms and the setting of admission numbers no
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State Treaty on the Allocation of Study Places Ordinance on the determination of capacity, the curricular norms and the setting of admission numbers no
Lower Saxony Lower Saxony University Admissions Act Ordinance on the determination of capacity for the allocation of study places Headings, Appendix 4: Practical individual music lessons
North Rhine-Westphalia University Admissions Act Ordinance to determine the admission capacity at universities in North Rhine-Westphalia for courses outside the central award procedure Headings, division into 13 paragraphs, use of the range model for curricular norms, summary of the courses in areas
Rhineland-Palatinate State law on the state treaty between the states of the Federal Republic of Germany on the allocation of study places State ordinance on the determination of capacity, the curricular norms and the setting of admission numbers no
Saarland Law on the approval of the State Treaty on the Allocation of Study Places Ordinance on the determination of capacity, the curricular norms and the setting of admission numbers no
Saxony Saxon University Admissions Act Ordinance of the Saxon State Ministry for Science and Art on the determination of capacity, the curricular standard values ​​and the determination of admission numbers no
Saxony-Anhalt Saxony-Anhalt University Admission Act Capacity regulation of the state of Saxony-Anhalt Use of the range model for curricular standard values
Schleswig-Holstein University Admissions Act State ordinance on the determination of capacity, the curricular values, the determination of admission numbers, the selection of students and the allocation of study places Headings, use of the range model for curricular standard values, approval and calculation of curricular standard values ​​/ absorption capacity in a regulation
Thuringia Thuringian University Admissions Act Thuringian Ordinance on the Allocation of Study Places at State Universities Allocation of study places and determination of the curricular standard values ​​in a regulation, use of the range model for curricular standard values, summary of areas


The intake capacity indicates how many students can be enrolled at a college or university in a certain period of time .


A distinction is made between the personnel and the spatial reception capacity. The spatial capacity refers to the available area. The staffing capacity is based on the existing teaching staff. It can be specified annually and every semester.


The formula for the calculation is , where S is defined by the course offer.


In practice, only the staff capacity is used.


The appendices are updated and newly issued as required. This particularly affects the CNW if the colleges and universities register changes.

The following procedure applies to the Berlin science administration:

  1. Creation of a draft
  2. Coordination at department level
  3. Participation of the Senate Department for Justice, Consumer Protection and Anti-Discrimination at working level (according to § 37 GGO II)
  4. Consultation procedure (according to § 39 Abs. 1 GGO II)
  5. Submission of the draft to the parliamentary groups (according to Section 39 (3) GGO II)
  6. Evaluation of the statements and coordination with the Senate Department for Justice, Consumer Protection and Anti-Discrimination
  7. Final drawing by the responsible State Secretary
  8. Co-signed by the Senate Department for Justice, Consumer Protection and Anti-Discrimination
  9. Final drawing of the regulation
  10. Signing of the original by the Governing Mayor of Berlin

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Guidelines of the University of Giessen - accessed on May 13, 2019
  2. Law on Admission to University Studies in Baden-Württemberg - accessed on September 8, 2019
  3. Baden-Württemberg Capacity Ordinance - accessed on August 13, 2018
  4. Bavarian University Admissions Act - accessed on September 8, 2019
  5. Ordinance on University Admission to State Universities in Bavaria - accessed on August 13, 2018
  6. Berlin University Admissions Act - accessed on September 8, 2019
  7. Ordinance on the determination of capacity, the curricular norms and the setting of admission numbers for Berlin - accessed on August 13, 2018
  8. ^ Brandenburg University Act - accessed on September 8, 2019
  9. Ordinance on the determination of capacity, the curricular standard values ​​and the setting of admission figures for the State of Brandenburg - accessed on August 13, 2018
  10. ^ Bremen University Admissions Act - accessed on September 8, 2019
  11. Ordinance on the determination of capacity and the determination of registration numbers of the State of Bremen - accessed on August 13, 2018
  12. a b Ordinance on the determination of capacities, the curricular standard values ​​and the setting of admission figures for the State of Hamburg - accessed on August 13, 2018
  13. a b Ordinance on the determination of capacity, the curricular standard values ​​and the determination of the number of admissions of the State of Hesse (KapVO) - accessed on June 2, 2020.
  14. State Treaty on the Allocation of Study Places - PDF file, accessed on September 8, 2019
  15. Ordinance on the determination of capacity, the curricular standard values ​​and the determination of the number of admissions for the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania - accessed on August 13, 2018
  16. Lower Saxony University Admissions Act - accessed on September 8, 2019
  17. Ordinance on the determination of capacity for the allocation of study places in the state of Lower Saxony - accessed on August 13, 2018
  18. University Admissions Act for North Rhine-Westphalia - accessed on September 8, 2019
  19. Ordinance on determining the admission capacity at universities in North Rhine-Westphalia for courses outside of the central award procedure of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia - accessed on August 13, 2018
  20. State law on the state treaty between the states of the Federal Republic of Germany on the allocation of study places - accessed on September 8, 2019
  21. State ordinance on the determination of capacities, the curricular norms and the setting of admission numbers of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate - accessed on August 13, 2018
  22. a b Ordinance on the determination of capacity, the curricular standard values ​​and the determination of the number of admissions for the State of Saarland - accessed on August 13, 2018
  23. Saxon University Admissions Act - accessed on September 8, 2019
  24. Ordinance of the Saxon State Ministry for Science and Art on the determination of capacity, the curricular norms and the setting of admission numbers of the State of Saxony - accessed on August 13, 2018
  25. Saxony-Anhalt University Admission Act - accessed on September 8, 2019
  26. Capacity Ordinance of the State of Saxony-Anhalt - accessed on August 13, 2018
  27. University Admissions Act for Schleswig-Holstein - accessed on September 8, 2019
  28. State ordinance on the determination of capacity, the curricular values, the setting of admission numbers, the selection of students and the allocation of study places of the State of Schleswig-Holstein - accessed on August 13, 2018
  29. Thuringian University Admissions Act - accessed on September 8, 2019
  30. Thuringian Ordinance on the Allocation of Study Places at State Universities (Thuringian Vergabeverordnung) - accessed on August 13, 2018
  31. a b c GGO II - PDF file, accessed on August 13, 2018