Collision (1989)

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Original title Collision
Country of production FRG
original language German
Publishing year 1989
length 95 minutes
Director Franz Peter Wirth
script Gerhard Bengsch
(as Renate Gaerber )
production Bernt Rhotert
music Peter Steinbach
camera Rainer Gutjahr
cut Elke Herbener

Karambolage is a German television film by Gerhard Bengsch from 1989. Directed by Franz Peter Wirth . The television film was produced by Hessischer Rundfunk and shown for the first time on April 12, 1989 on ARD . The opening credits of the film read: "Karambolage - by Renate Gaerber". Because the responsible state institutions of the GDR were not allowed to have knowledge of this project (Bengsch was a GDR citizen), he used a pseudonym.


A married couple from the GDR may exceptionally travel to the FRG for professional reasons. According to GDR law, they make a detour to Bavaria to see the village where the man grew up. A drunk BMW driver takes the right of way on the drive on roads that are only open to residents and agricultural vehicles and a collision occurs, which is just as eponymous for the ambiguous film title as the subsequent "clash" of the different mentalities, on the one hand by western ones and Eastern stamping, on the other hand through human nature.

The accident, in which only sheet metal damage occurs, initially causes mutual insults, but the BMW driver's wife reminds him that he has had too much to drink and so he suggests not to call the police and to sort everything out among himself. He will take care of the damage and the couple from the east can also spend the night in the holiday home of the couple from the west. In the process, the different characters and the effects of the different political systems become just as clear as mutual prejudices. You get closer and still don't really understand each other, and the four of them develop sympathies for each other's partner.


For the lexicon of international film , the production is “an all-too-routinely staged television play with a lot of dramatic idleness. Despite the good actors, the plot remains largely committed to common stereotypes, there is hardly any space for nuances. "The magazine Cinema also found:" Many clichés, prepared without jokes. "

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Biography of Gerhard Bengsch. (No longer available online.) Filmmuseum Potsdam, archived from the original on July 12, 2011 ; Retrieved November 3, 2011 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Carom in the Lexicon of International FilmsTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used
  3. Film review - collision. TV feature film, accessed November 3, 2011 .