Karl Friedrich Ludwig von Dönhoff

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Karl Friedrich Ludwig von Dönhoff (born February 10, 1724 - † June 19, 1778 ) was an imperial-royal general field sergeant .


Count Karl Friedrich Ludwig von Dönhoff came from the Dönhoff family and was a son of Count Alexander von Dönhoff († 1742) and Charlotte Countess von Blumenthal († 1761). He was married to Maria Anna Rzikowsky von Dobrzicz (1735–1789). From this marriage two daughters and Count Ludwig Nikolaus von Dönhoff, kk chamberlain and major († 1838), with whom the male line of Dönhoff from the Beynuhnen house in Tyrol had already expired, emerged.


At first Dönhoff was in Prussian service , but in 1755 he became a captain in the VII Broder Regiment (No. 66). At the beginning of the Seven Years' War he was a major, won at Friedland and Konradswalde , whereupon he was promoted to lieutenant colonel. In 1760, Dönhoff distinguished himself during the siege of Dresden . In 1761 he was promoted to colonel , in 1762 he dispersed the Quintus Icilius Free Battalion . Unbeaten up to this point in the field, Dönhoff was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Maria Theresa Order . In 1770 Dönhoff finally advanced to major general . At the beginning of the War of the Bavarian Succession, however, he fell on an outpost.
