Karl Friedrich Reimers

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Karl Friedrich Reimers (born March 3, 1935 in Dithmarschen or Mölln ) is a German communication scientist , screenwriter , director , media scientist and journalist and university professor.


The son of a pastor grew up in Mölln. He passed his Abitur in 1956 in Lübeck at the evening grammar school of the Lübeck Adult Education Center. He then worked initially in Wyk on the island of Föhr as an educator in the Baltic Carl Hunnius boarding school . From 1957 he studied history, journalism, theology and cultural studies in Bonn , Cologne , Hamburg and Berlin . In 1963 he received his doctorate in Hamburg at the Philosophical Faculty. The subject of his dissertation was Lübeck in the church struggle of the Third Reich . National Socialist leader principle and Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church from 1933–1945 .

In 1964, Reimers took on the role of research assistant in Göttingen and until 1975 headed the edition program “Film documents on contemporary history” at the Institute for Scientific Film (IWF). Since 1966 he had a teaching position for journalism and contemporary history and worked from 1969 to 1975/76 part-time as a lecturer with examination authorization at the University of Göttingen .

In 1975 Reimers was appointed to the chair for general and special communication studies and didactics in audiovisual media (from 1990 chair for communication and media studies) at the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF). From 1976 to 1991/92 he also taught part-time at the Institute for Communication Studies (newspaper studies) at the University of Munich.

In 1991 he became the founding dean of the Department of Communication and Media Studies at the University of Leipzig , and from 1992 he became an honorary professor for communication studies and contemporary journalism at the University of Leipzig. He played a decisive role in the fact that the Institute for Communication and Media Studies was able to become one of the largest institutions of the subject in the German-speaking area as the “ecumenical movement of academic disciplines”. In 1993 Reimers received the Hans Bausch Mediapreis of the SWR and the Caspar Borner Medal of the University of Leipzig for his outstanding performance as founding dean.

Karl Friedrich Reimers is married and has two sons.

Fonts (selection)

  • Lübeck in the church struggle of the Third Reich. National Socialist leader principle and Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church from 1933–1945. Work on the history of the church struggle, supplementary series vol. 2, also a dissertation at the University of Hamburg, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1965
  • With H. Friedrich (Ed.): Contemporary history in film and television: Analysis - Documentation - Didactics. Studies in history, film and society 3, Ölschläger, Munich 1982, ISBN 978-3-88295-089-2
  • From the cinema newsreel to current television. Communication audiovisual Vol. 3, Ölschläger, Munich 1983, ISBN 978-3-88295-065-6
  • With Rüdiger Steinmetz (ed.): Broadcasting in Germany: Developments and standpoints. Communication audiovisual Vol. 12, Ölschläger, Munich 1988, ISBN 978-3-88295-129-5
  • Our century in the media: 75 years of the university institute. 1st International Leipzig University Days for Media a. Communication 1991 from November 1st to 3rd, 1991. Leipzig University Contributions to Communication and Media Studies 1, founding volume, University of Leipzig, Department of Communication and Media Studies Media Studies, Leipzig 1993
  • With Hermann Schmid (ed.): "That is what people want to see": entertainment and topicality in commercial television. Communication audiovisual Vol. 23, UVK-Medien, Konstanz 1998, ISBN 978-3-89669-218-4


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Michael Meyen : Karl Friedrich Reimers . In: Michael Meyen, Thomas Wiedemann (Hrsg.): Biographical Lexicon of Communication Science . Herbert von Halem Verlag , Cologne 2015, accessed on November 27, 2018
  2. a b c Compare the information in the catalog of the German National Library
  3. ^ "A courageous confession - a collection of materials for the Lübeck-Möllner emergency confirmation from 1937" , publisher Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirchengemeinde Mölln, Mölln 2014, PDF p. 14
  4. a b Arnulf Kutsch and Stefanie Averbeck: After the turnaround: a new establishment with obstacles , Institute for Communication and Media Studies at the University of Leipzig