Karl Heinrich August Manitius

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Karl Heinrich August Manitius , also Carl Heinrich August Manitius , nickname Karl Manitius , (born March 12, 1848 in Dresden , † 1921 there ) was a German high school teacher, classical philologist and science historian .

Karl Manitius was the son of Heinrich August Manitius and attended the Vitzthumsche Gymnasium in Dresden. From 1867 to 1873 he studied at the University of Leipzig , interrupted from military service (most recently as captain of the reserve) in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/71, for which he received the war memorial . In 1873 he received his doctorate in classical philology in Leipzig and was then senior teacher at the Kreuzschule in Dresden, where his father had also been a teacher , as a grammar school professor from 1896. From 1907 he was a teacher . At the grammar school he taught religion as well as philology. He remained unmarried throughout his life.

In 1912/13 he published a German translation of the main text of ancient astronomy, the Almagest by Claudius Ptolemy , based on the edition by Johan Ludvig Heiberg ,

Fonts (selection)

  • De antiquissima Neptuni figura . Dissertation Leipzig 1873 ( online ).
  • Hypsicle's writing Anaphorikos. In: Program of the Gymnasium zum Heiligen Kreuz in Dresden 1888 ( online ).
  • Hipparchi in Arati et Eudoxi Phaenomena commentariorum libri tres . 1894.
  • Hipparch's theory of the sun according to Ptolemy. In: Das Weltall , Volume 6, 1906, pp. 323-340.
  • Theory of the moon according to Ptolemy . In: Das Weltall , Volume 7, 1907, pp. 1-7. 26-30. 45-54.
  • Claudius Ptolemy's manual of astronomy. 2 volumes. Teubner, Leipzig 1912–1913 ( Archives, Volume 1 , Volume 2 ).

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