Karl Hochstöger

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Karl Hochstöger (born March 17, 1901 in Landeck ; † September 3, 1987 in Landeck ) was the Austrian district captain of Landeck and pharmacist .


After attending the Landeck elementary school and the Meran high school, Hochstöger studied pharmacy at the University of Vienna , where he became a member of the Baltia Landsmannschaft, and the University of Innsbruck , where he joined the Corps Gothia Innsbruck (1922). He completed his studies on October 21, 1923 with a master's degree.

After completing his studies, Hochstöger first worked in Vienna and then in his father's pharmacy in Landeck, which he took over on March 1, 1924 after the death of his father. In 1941 he was appointed to the pharmaceutical council due to his professional commitment .

Hochstöger was married to Rosa Pillon from Meran. Together they had three sons, one of whom was later president of the Tyrolean Chamber of Pharmacists, Carl Hochstöger .

In addition to his professional activity, Hochstöger was also active in local politics and served his home town as a city councilor for several years. After Austria was annexed to the German Reich , Hochstöger became a member of the SS , in 1938 with the rank of SS- Unterscharführer , from March 11, 1938 to April 26, 1938, provisional district captain of Landeck.

In 1955 Hochstöger was awarded the Silver Merit of the Republic of Austria and in 1971 honorary membership of the Austrian Pharmacists' Association.


  • Georg Zobel and Carl Hochstöger: Stadtapotheke -Zur Mariahilf- Landeck , Innsbruck 2000.
  • Horst Schreiber : The seizure of power: the National Socialists in Tyrol 1938-39. , Innsbruck 1994.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corps lists 1930, 79 , 161
  2. ^ Obituary in the newspaper Blickpunkt from September 16, 1987.
  3. CV including photo in Stadtapotheke -Zur Mariahilf- Landeck , p. 37 ff.
  4. Der Schlern , issues 1–6, p. 44.
  5. ^ Chronicle of the BH Landeck.
  6. Answer to parliamentary question 10694 / J.