Karl Lustig-Prean von Preanfeld and Fella (Intendant)

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Karl Lustig-Prean von Preanfeld and Fella , after 1918 in Austria only Karl Lustig-Prean (born January 20, 1892 in Prachatitz ; † October 22, 1965 in Vienna ) was an Austrian theater director and artistic director as well as an opera director , music writer and journalist .


Lustig first studied law before becoming an officer. In 1918 he became editor-in-chief of the Deutsches Volksblatt in Vienna. In 1919 he became deputy director of the Vienna Volksoper under Friedrich Weingartner , which he also directed. He then went to Bozen as director in 1924, was artistic director in Graz in 1926, at the Augsburg Theater from 1929 to 1931 , in Bern in 1931 and again at the Volksoper in 1934. 1935 became the editor-in-chief of the German press in Prague.

In 1937 he emigrated to exile in Brazil, where he worked as an opera director in São Paulo until 1948.

In 1948 he decided to return to Vienna and was director of the Vienna Conservatory from 1949 to 1959 and chairman of the board of directors of the Vienna Symphony from 1950 to 1957. He was head of the city theater in Baden from 1959 to 1962.

He was married to the opera singer Charlotte Silbiger .

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