Karl Stenzel (archivist)

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Karl Stenzel (born May 26, 1889 in Strasbourg , † March 3, 1947 in Karlsruhe ) was a German historian , archivist and long-time director of the General State Archives in Karlsruhe .


After visiting the Protestant Jean-storm-school student in Strasbourg Stenzel from 1908 to 1910 at the University of Strasbourg of history , German and English . After his state examination and a trial year in school, he joined the district archive of Lower Alsace as a research assistant in 1912 . In 1914 he received his doctorate in Strasbourg with a thesis on the politics of the city of Strasbourg at the end of the Middle Ages presented in its main features . In 1917 he was appointed imperial archivist. In 1919, Stenzel and his wife opted for German citizenship and had to leave Alsace in October. In 1920 he took up a position as a librarian at the Württemberg State Library in Stuttgart . In 1928 he moved to the newly established Stuttgart City Archives to build it up. Between 1938 and 1939, Stenzel was director of the city archives and at the same time head of the Stuttgart city library . He founded the city ​​history collection .

In 1939 he moved to the Baden General State Archives. A year later he was appointed by the head of civil administration in Alsace to be in charge of the Alsatian archives. In 1943 he became "Acting General Director of the Upper Rhine Archives" and as such head of the Colmar, Karlsruhe and Strasbourg archives, based in Strasbourg.

Stenzel, who joined the NSDAP in 1933, was classified as a fellow traveler by the Spruchkammer in 1945 and lost his post in Karlsruhe.

His work on the holdings of the Strasbourg city and district archives led to extensive work on the city and church history in the late Middle Ages. At the Badisches Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe he worked with Manfred Krebs on the structure of the holdings and in Karlsruhe and Strasbourg took care of the relocation of the archives during the war years.

As a result of the National Socialist persecution, many art objects were thrown on the art market. Stenzel took the opportunity to buy them for the Stuttgart city history collection.

Publications (selection)

  • The Strasbourg chronicle of the Alsatian humanist Hieronymus Gebwiler. Berlin 1926 Bielefeld University Library .
  • Duke Karl Eugen and Schiller's escape: New evidence from the papers of General von Augé. Stuttgart 1936.
  • The Trier electors. Kirchheim 1937.


  • Konrad Krimm : Stenzel, Karl. In: New German Biography. 25, 2013, pp. 253-254 ( deutsche-biographie.de ).
  • Konrad Krimm: Karl Stenzel and the "Upper Rhine State Archives". German archive policy in Alsace 1940–1944. In: Robert Kretzschmar, Astrid M. Eckert (Hrsg.): The German archives and national socialism - 75th German Archives Day 2005 in Stuttgart (= conference documentation for the German Archives Day. Volume 10). Klartext, Essen 2007, pp. 195–207.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Collection under National Socialism - provenance research in the Museum for Stuttgart. Retrieved August 9, 2019 .