Manfred Krebs

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Manfred Georg Gustav Karl Ludwig Krebs (born May 28, 1892 in Frankfurt am Main , † August 18, 1971 in Karlsruhe ) was a German historian and archivist .

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Manfred Krebs was born as the son of the judiciary and notary Albert Krebs and his wife Maria, geb. Schultz, born in Frankfurt am Main. In 1910 he passed the Abitur at the Lessing Gymnasium in his hometown and studied history and German at the universities of Heidelberg, Munich, Marburg and Berlin. Called up for military service in 1914, he did not return from French captivity until February 1920, into which he had fallen in June 1918. He resumed his studies in Frankfurt and passed the state examination in 1922. In the period up to his doctorate in 1926, which led to a dissertation on the Strasbourg bishop Konrad III , supervised by Fedor Schneider . von Lichtenberg (1273–1299), he worked, among other things, as a research assistant at the Scientific Institute of the Alsace-Lorraine in the Reich and at the Baden General State Archives in Karlsruhe . Even after obtaining his doctorate, he worked again at both institutions before he was appointed archivist in the Karlsruhe General State Archives in 1929. In 1954 he became director here, and in 1957 he retired. He was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class in 1957.

The “general overview of the holdings of the General State Archives Karlsruhe”, which Krebs was able to present in two parts in 1954 and 1957 as the result of many years of organizing and recording activities, is one of the first general inventories of a German state archive. In addition, he opened up and edited numerous historical sources, especially those on the history of churches and nobility in southwest Germany. Many of them are still part of the essential foundations of the country's history. This happened, it was emphasized, "at a time [...] in which others were preferred to him, whose careers were accompanied by political commitments to the Nazi state."


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  1. Manfred Krebs: Complete overview of the holdings of the General State Archives Karlsruhe. Stuttgart 1954/57.
  2. ^ Hansmartin Schwarzmaier: Art. Krebs, Manfred. In: Baden-Württemberg biographies. Vol. 1, Stuttgart 1994, pp. 200-201, here: p. 201 ( online ).