Karl von Lewinski

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Karl Hermann Eduard Reinhold von Lewinski (born December 2, 1873 in Strasbourg , † October 29, 1951 in Washington, DC ) was a German lawyer and diplomat .


Lewinski studied law in Breslau and Munich from 1892 to 1899 , where he became a member of the Corps Ratisbonia in 1893 .

Professional background

After his legal clerkship , Lewinski became a court assessor in Breslau in 1903 and an assistant worker in the Reich Ministry of Justice in 1905 . In 1907 he became a district judge, but interrupted his judicial activity until 1909 to study American law in the USA . There he married his American wife.

Since 1912 assistant judge at the higher court , in 1917 he moved to the Reich War Office as a legal clerk, in 1918 to the Reich Ministry of Justice and in 1920 to the Foreign Office . From 1922 to 1931 Lewinski represented the Reich in the reparations negotiations in Washington, DC ( German American Mixed Claims Commission ). From 1925 he was also German Consul General First Class in New York .

In 1931 he left the civil service and settled in Berlin as a lawyer . For a short time he practiced together with Helmuth James von Moltke . In 1943 it was bombed out and moved to Dresden . After the war he returned to Berlin and initially worked as a lawyer again. From August 1945 to January 1949 he was acting head of the Berlin-Dahlem- based Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law , which had become part of the German Research University in 1947 . This institute was later merged into the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law founded by the Max Planck Society in Heidelberg in 1949 .

In 1949 he moved to Washington, where he worked as an expert on international and private law issues until his death in 1951 at the request of the American government.


Because of his numerous publications, especially in the field of American and international law, and his services to German-American relations, Lewinski was awarded an honorary doctorate in 1929 by the Faculty of Economics at the University of Cologne .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 114/147.
  2. ^ Inga Meiser: Die Deutsche Forschungshochschule (1947-1953) , p. 106
  3. ^ Inga Meiser: Die Deutsche Forschungshochschule (1947-1953) , p. 106
  4. ^ Kai von Lewinski. In: March / L. Münkler / Wischmeyer, Apokryphe Schriften, 2018, pp. 209, 222 f.