Karoline Preisler

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Karoline Preisler (2018)

Karoline Preisler (born July 3, 1971 in Berlin ) is a German politician ( FDP ) and lawyer . Preisler became known nationwide through her corona diary that she kept on Twitter , which she began after she fell ill with the corona virus in March 2020 during her quarantine .

Professional career

After graduating from a polytechnic high school in Berlin, Preisler completed training as a lawyer and notary assistant from 1991 to 1993. From 1997 she studied law at the University of Potsdam , completed her first state examination in Potsdam in 2002 and her second state examination in Berlin in 2004. From 2004 to 2012 she worked as a lawyer in Berlin and since 2012 she has been working as a lawyer in Barth ( Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania ).

Media attention

There was an attack on her and her underage daughter in February 2020. The state security has started investigations. However, whether the attack was politically motivated was later denied. However, it is still under investigation for attempted assault.

In March 2020, Preisler contracted the corona virus and spent two weeks in quarantine, during which she reported on the course of the disease and the accompanying symptoms in a "corona diary" via Twitter . Due to the open handling of the disease, Preisler received a lot of attention on Twitter and in various national and international media. That's why she was invited to talk shows such as Bei Maischberger and Markus Lanz . At the end of August 2020, she privately sought a factual discussion at a large Berlin demonstration with critics of the state restrictions due to Covid19 and tried to de-escalate.

Party activities

Preisler joined the FDP in 2013 and was initially active in local politics. In 2018, however, the faction in the city council of Barth dissolved due to a dispute with her. As a result, the city council resigned from the FDP and elected Preisler from the committee for school and social affairs and from the supervisory board of the municipal utilities. In the same year she ran for the mayor's office of her community and in 2019 stood as the top candidate of the FDP Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for the European elections . At the European party conference of the FDP, she was elected to 19th place on the federal list.

She is chairwoman of the Arno-Esch-Stiftung , founded in 2009, which is a party-affiliated foundation of the FDP Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.


Preisler is in a relationship with the Bundestag member Hagen Reinhold (FDP), has four children and is Protestant .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Matthias Deiß: The Corona diary of Karoline Preisler. In: Contrasts. The first, March 19, 2020, accessed April 2, 2020 .
  2. In her own house, firecrackers attack on the North German FDP politician mopo.de
  3. Barth: FDP politician shot at with guns ndr.de
  4. Firecracker attack on Preisler (FDP) was just a coincidence nordkurier.de
  5. ↑ The fireworks attack on FDP politician was probably not politically motivated Der Spiegel
  6. Karoline Preisler: Karoline Preisler's Twitter page. In: Twitter. Karoline Preisler, March 14, 2020, accessed on April 2, 2020 .
  7. Oliver Das Gupta: "It was fast and intense with Corona". In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. Süddeutsche Zeitung, March 19, 2020, accessed on April 2, 2020 .
  8. Lennart Pfahler: “Imagine drowning. That's the feeling ”. Welt, March 19, 2020, accessed April 2, 2020 .
  9. August Modersohn: "Always keep a safe distance!" In: Zeit Online. Zeit Online, March 19, 2020, accessed April 2, 2020 .
  10. German mom infected with coronavirus uses Twitter diary to update world on her condition FOXNews
  11. German lawyer with COVID-19 live tweets from hospital CP24
  12. Dear Corona Diary: German patient gives updates on Twitter dailyherald.com
  13. Focus Online: patient on TV: "The lungs felt stony, I could hardly breathe". In: Focus Online. Focus Online, March 26, 2020, accessed April 2, 2020 .
  14. ^ Corona-ill FDP woman from Barth at Markus Lanz nordkurier.de
  15. Markus Lanz: Corona patient tells in tears - the doctor did not want to help me derwesten.de
  16. FDP politician sought dialogue with corona demonstrators in Berlin In: Tagesspiegel, accessed on September 1, 2020
  17. https://www.ostsee-zeitung.de/Vorpommern/Ribnitz-Damgarten/Karoline-Preisler-aus-Barther-Schulausschuss-abgewaehlt
  18. https://www.ostsee-zeitung.de/Vorpommern/Ribnitz-Damgarten/Barth-hat-einen-neuen-Buergermeister
  19. ^ FDP: Decision of the European Party Congress. In: Free Democratic Party. Free Democratic Party, April 5, 2019, accessed April 2, 2020 .