Katharina Moriggi

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Sacro Monte de Varese with the hermit monastery of St. Ambrose

Katharina Moriggi (* 1437 in Pallanza , Italy ; † April 6, 1478 in Sacro Monte di Varese , Italy) was a Catholic hermit who lived according to the Augustine rules, she was a mystic and founder of the order . She was beatified in 1769 , her church feast day is April 6th.


The young Katharina had practiced an ascetic life from childhood , she was inspired by the Franciscan Alberto Sarteano and had close ties to the Franciscan monastery in Milan . Her parents fell victim to the great plague epidemic in Milan. Only 14 years old, the girl decided to move into a hermit cave on the Holy Mountain near Varese . She was joined by four other women who soon formed a stable group. Katharina lived in a hermit grotto for over 15 years , she was strict and hard on herself and lived in ascetic conditions. This included that she fasted continuously for months. She only ate the food that was donated to her. Your place developed into a collection point for those seeking advice.

With the intercession of the Duke of Milan Galeazzo Maria Sforza , Pope Sixtus IV (1471–1484) issued on November 10, 1474 permission to build a monastery according to Katharina's wishes. According to the Pope's will, the hermit women were to be clothed with a black veil like the one the Poor Clares wore. On September 28, 1475 the monastery hermitage could be moved into. The official beginning of monastic life began on August 10, 1476 with the performance of the religious vows and the creation of the habit . Katharina was elected the first abbess of the Ambrose Sisters , a position she held until her death on April 6, 1478.


San Leonardo in Pallanza

On Pentecost in 1729, the Archbishop of Milan confirmed the veneration of the founder of the order and her faithful companion Juliana Puricelli . The bones were raised and he was placed in a reliquary . A chapel was built in their honor . On September 12, 1769, the Congregation for the Rites for the Beatification of Catherine and her successor Juliana Puricelli, Pope Clement XIV (1796–1774) confirmed the Beatifications on September 16, 1769 .


In the chapel of the Church of San Leonardo in Pallanza, a statue was erected in honor of Catherine by a local craftsman . This place developed into a place of worship for Blessed Catherine. Benedetta da Bimia (Biumo) was a faithful companion, successor as 3rd abbess and later biographer of Katharine and Juliana Puricelli.

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Individual evidence

  1. Google books: Dizionario Biofrafico della Donne Lombarde 568-1968 a cure di Rachele Farina, Bardini & Castoddi [1]