Katja Sturm-Schnabl

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Katja Sturm-Schnabl (2009)

Katja (Stanislawa Katharina) Sturm-Schnabl (born February 17, 1936 in Zinsdorf , Magdalensberg municipality ) is a Carinthian Slovenian linguist and literary historian .

life and work

Katja Sturm-Schnabl comes from a respected, culturally and politically active Slovenian family in Zinsdorf / Svinča vas northeast of Klagenfurt / Celovec. The first drastic experience was the deportation in April 1942 and the subsequent 3.5-year imprisonment from which her sister Veri was not supposed to return. She attended elementary school and humanistic grammar school in Klagenfurt / Celovec. She studied Slavic Studies , South Slavic literatures, Russian , art history and Byzantine studies. In 1973 she received her doctorate with the internationally recognized study of the Slovenian dialect in the Klagenfurt Basin and Klagenfurt Field . From 1973 to 1984 she was a research assistant at the Commission for Byzantine Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences . Her main focus was the creation of the prosopographic lexicon of the palaeologists' time .

From 1984 to 2016 she taught South Slavic literary and cultural history at the Institute for Slavic Studies at the University of Vienna and was a member of numerous curia and the Equal Opportunities Commission. During this time, she was particularly concerned with supporting students, for whom she organized numerous university and non-university colloquia and presentation opportunities. In particular, their efforts were aimed at establishing a constitutionally, scientifically and historically appropriate institutional establishment of the subject of Slovene Studies (creation of a chair for Slovene Studies, with the corresponding assistant posts), which has not yet been realized.

In 1993 she completed her habilitation with her magnum opus on Franz Miklosich's correspondence with the South Slaves / Korespondenca Frana Miklošiča z Južnimi Slovani , for which she received the Leopold Kunschak Prize . Research focuses on Slovenian literary and cultural history, South Slavic interrelationships, European transcultural studies, in particular the relationships with the French cultural area, as well as specific Carinthian Slovenian aspects of language development. As a participant in numerous international meetings, she publishes in numerous languages ​​and promoted intercultural dialogue by translating selected key works from literature and research.

Gold Medal of Merit of the Republic of Austria for Katja Sturm-Schnabl

On September 30, 2015, she was awarded the Gold Medal of Merit of the Republic of Austria by Chancellery Minister Josef Ostermayer for her commitment as a contemporary witness .

On October 3, 2019, she was also awarded the Vinzenz Rizzi Prize 2019 from the Central Association of Slovenian Organizations in Carinthia and the Slovenian Cultural Association in the Carinthian State Archives in Klagenfurt.

Bibliography (selection)

Encyclopedia of Slovenian Cultural History in Carinthia / Koroška

Katja Sturm-Schnabl, Bojan-Ilija Schnabl (ed.): Encyclopedia of Slovenian Cultural History in Carinthia / Koroška, ​​From the Beginnings to 1942 . Vienna-Cologne-Weimar, Böhlau Verlag 2016, 3rd vol., 1603 pp. (Editor, editor, author and translator of numerous articles) Catalog entry at Cobiss

Technical articles

  • Novi pogledi na pomembnost dela Jerneja Kopitarja pri razvijanju prepletenosti evropske znanstvene misli. Sova 1 (1996). 7-8. Catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Fran Miklošič , ustanovitelj slavistike na univerzi na Dunaju in njen prvi ordinarius. Sova 1 (2009). 9-12. Catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Ideja romantične svobode in občutenja v poeziji Urbana Jarnika in Franceta Prešerna . Koroški etnološki zapisi 2 (2003). 43-63. Catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Zgodovina slovenske literature v nemščini. Družina in dom 52/3 (2002). I. Catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Ženska kot avtorica in lik v novejši slovenski književnosti . Jezik in slovstvo 43/3 (1997/98). 97-108. Catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Dunajska slavistika in njen prispevek k slovenski kulturi. Zgodovinski časopis 49/3 (1995). 411-420. Catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Slovenski narodni preporod in njegovi neposredni odnosi s francoskim razsvetljenstvom in janzenizmom. Zgodovinski časopis 43/3 (1989), 359-363. Catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Slovensko kulturno življenje v fari Št. Tomaž pri Čilberku od začetka 20. stoletja do nemške okupacije 1938 . In: Koroški koledar 2009, 139–156.
  • Miklosich's importance for Slovene studies with special consideration of his reading books for middle schools . In: Wiener Slawistisches Jahrbuch. Volume 53. Vienna 2007, 229–239.
  • Dva razkaza o Karintii Prežihovo Voranca v zerkale ličnogo istoričeskogo opyta . In: Slavjano-germanskie otnošenija. Tom 3 Ot imena k factam. Moskva 2007,
  • Košir (1919–2000) i ego vospominanija o partizanskich godach . In: Vtoraja mirovaja vojna: opyt istorii - opyt literatury. Central'naja i Jugovostočnaja Evropa. Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija 22–23 nojabrja. Tesisy dokladov. Moskva 2005, 58 (Rossijskaja akademija nauk - Institut slavjanovedenija).
  • Dunaj v Linhartovem stoletju . In Linhartov Zbornik. Ljubljana 2005, 529-544.
  • Transpozicija doživetja v literarno sliko . In: Berta Bojetu Boeta. Prvi mednarodni simpozij. Zbornik predavanj. 2005, 157-167.
  • De nouveaux enjeux pour les Slovènes de Carinthie . In: Antonia Bernard (ed.), La Slovénie et l'Europe. Contribution à la connaissance de la Slovénie actuelle. Paris 2005, 131-140.
  • Aktuell Miklošičevega znanstvenega dela in misli . In: Jezikovni zapiski. Glasilo inštituta zs slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU 10/2 (2004) 19–46.
  • Ideja romantične svobode in občutenja v poeziji Urbana Jarnika in Franceta Prešerna . In: Koroški etnološki zapisi Glasilo slovenskega narodnopisnega inštituta Urban Jarnik. Simpozij o Urbanu Jarniku. Zbornik predavanj. Celovec 2/2003, 43-62.
  • France Kidrič (1880–1950), njegov študij in njegovo delovanje na dunajski univerzi . In: Kidričev zbornik. Zora 16. Gradivo s simpozija v Rogaški slatini. Maribor 2002, 28-35, 131-181.
  • Anton Tomaž Linhart (1756–1795) . In: An attempt at a history of Carniola and the other countries of the southern Slavs of Austria by Anton Linhart, Kaiserl. Royal Secretary of the provincial administration in Carniola. Second volume. From the first planting of the Ukrainian Slavs to their subjugation by the Franks. With a chart of the old Carantania, and a reasoning table on the Slavic alphabet. Nuremberg commissioned by Ernst Christoph Grattenauer, 1796. Facsimile edition Klagenfurt Wieser Verlag 2001, 369–382.
  • Two stories from Carinthia by Prežihov Voranc in the mirror of experienced history (excerpt) . In: Ines Doujak (ed.), Festschrift. »Erlauf remembers…« an exhibition in public space from May 7th to September 30th, 2000. Vienna 2000.
  • Two stories from Carinthia by Prežihov Voranc in the mirror of experienced history . In: Jura Soyfer. International journal for cultural studies. No. 1 (2000) 6-15.
  • Franz Miklosich as a companion in the development of the written Ukrainian language . In: Juliane Besters-Dilger, Michael Moser, Stefan Simonek (eds.), Language and Literature of the Ukraine between East and West - Мова та література України між сходом і заходом. Bern; Berlin; Bruxelles; Frankfurt on May; New York; Oxford; Vienna: Lang 2000, 195–209.
  • The literary coffee house in Ljubljana / Laibach (1890–1950) . In: Michael Rössner (ed.), Literary Coffee Houses - Coffee House Literature. Vienna - Cologne - Weimar 1999, 197-209.
  • On the philological phase of the Slovenian nation building . In: Andreas Brandtner - Werner Michler (ed.), History of Austrian-Slovenian literary relations in collaboration with the Adalbert Stifter Institute Linz. Vienna 1998, 41–56.
  • Ženska v slovenski literaturi kot avtorica in kot lik . In: Jezik in slovstvo. Letnik 48 (1997/98), štev. 3, 97-107.
  • Slovene Studies at the University of Vienna as a European contribution. 16th Salzburg Slavic Talks. 20.-23. November 1997. The role of Slavic Studies in European education. An alternative story and prognosis . In: The Slavic Languages. Volume 55/1997, 95-114. Salzburg. Edited by Otto Kronsteiner.
  • Fran Miklošič in južni Slovani . In: Miklošičev Zbornik. Mednarodni simpozij v Ljubljani od 26. do 28. June 1991. Ljubljana 1992, 591-601.
  • Franz Miklosich in the light of his life documents from the holdings of the Austrian National Library . In: Österreichische Osthefte vol. 33 (1991) 9–94.
  • Sedemdesetletnica Miklošičevega rojstva v odbranih pismih . In: Miklošičev zbornik. Kulturni forum Maribor. Maribor 1991, 99-131.
  • Ivan Cankar's "Gospa Judit", a woman rebels . In: Slava - debatni list III / 2 (1989) 127-143.
  • Slovenski narodni preporod in njegovi neposredni odnosi s francoskim razsvetljenstvom in Janzenizmom . In: Zgodovinski časopis 43 (1989) 359-363.
  • L'influence de la Revolution française sur le mouvement de l'affirmation de l'individualité nationale slovène . In: L'image de la France révolutionaire dans les pays et les peuple de l'Europe Centrale et du Sud-Est. Colloque international tenu à Paris on October 13th and 15th, 1988. Publications Langues'. Paris 1989, 103-120.
  • Files and letters on the creation of the edition of "Acta Patriarchatus Constantinopolitani MCCXV – MCCCCII" . Together with Otto Kresten. In: Roman historical reports 25 (1983) 339-402.
  • Miklošičevi slovenski korespondenti . In: Obdobja 3. Realizem. Ljubljana 1983, 429-436.

Collaboration on scientific publications

  • Yearbook of Austrian Byzantine Studies 26 (1977).
  • Prosopographical Lexicon of the Palaeologists' Time 2 (1977).
  • Prosopographical Lexicon of the Palaeologists' Time 3 (1978).
  • Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit 4 (1980).
  • Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit 5 (1981).
  • Yearbook of Austrian Byzantine Studies 30 (1981).
  • Slovenian Lexicography . Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1990. Catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Enciklopedija slovenskega jezika in literature na Koroškem (I. del do leta 1938). Zgodovinsko ozadje . In: Obdobja 26. Ljubljana 2009, 567-570.

Collaboration in monographic publications

  • Tatjana Feinig: Slovenščina v šoli: zgodovina pouka slovenščine na Koroškem . Celovec: Drava, 2008. Catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Niko Sturm: Moč = strength . Celovec: Drava, 2007. Catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Anton Tomaž Linhart : An attempt at a history of Carniola and the other southern Slavs of Austria . Klagenfurt: Wieser, cop. 2001. Catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Franc Miklošič: Franz Miklosich's correspondence with the southern Slaves = Korespondenca Frana Miklošiča z Južnimi Sloveni . Maribor: Obzorja, 1991. Catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Andreas life, taken in and excluded. Slovenian literature in Carinthia . Klagenfurt 1994, 10-12. ( Preface )


  • Berta Bojetu : prvi mednarodni simpozij. Zbornik predavanj . Celovec: Mohorjeva, 2005. Catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Areas of Slavic Studies: Festschrift in honor of Josip Hamm . Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1975. Catalog entry at Cobiss

Translation activity

  • Marija Mitrović: History of Slovenian Literature. From the beginning to the present. Translated and edited by Katja Sturm-Schnabl. Hermagoras / Mohorjeva, Klagenfurt / Ljubljana / Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-85013-834-8 .
  • Boris M. Gombač, Trst - Trieste. Two names, one identity . Editing and translation from Slovenian by Katja Sturm-Schnabl. St. Ingbert 2002 (Röhrig University Press). From Slovenian.
  • Miroslav Košuta, spirit of resistance and belief in life . In: Reading Circle. Literature magazine No. 24, 4th year. Literary city trip Graz - Ljubljana - Trieste - Klagenfurt. Wiener Zeitung - Zentralsprakase Wien 1988 p. 20. From the Slovenian.
  • Predrag Matvejević, The Mediterranean. Space and time . Zurich 1993, 323 pages (Ammann Verlag). From Croatian.
  • Predrag Matvejević on Miroslav Krleža . In: Most / The Bridge: Miroslav Krleža, ballads and poems. Zagreb 1978, 9-16. From the French.
  • Five Slovenian folk songs . In: Program of the Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft from May 6, 1995. Translated from Slovenian.
  • Robert Bréchon, Predrag Matvejević - Citizens of an Untraceable Europe . In: Predrag Matvejević, The world "ex". Confessions. Zurich 1997, pp. 209-220. From the French.
  • Tone Ferenc - Bojan Godeša, The Slovenes under National Socialist rule 1941 - 1945 . In: Slovensko-avstrijski odnosi v 20. stoletju. Slovenian-Austrian Relations in the 20th Century. Ed . Dušan Nećak, Boris Jesih, Božo Repe, Ksenija Škrilec , Peter Vodopivec. Historia 8. Znanstvena zbirka oddelka za zgodovino filozofske fakultete univerze v Ljubljani. Ljubljana 2004, 219-268. From Slovenian.
  • Nataša Golob, Notes on the Illuminated Medieval Manuscripts of the Central Library of the Vienna Franciscan Province in Graz . In: Catalog of medieval manuscripts up to the end of the 16th century in the central library of the Vienna Franciscan Province in Graz. Under the responsible collaboration of Nataša Golob, Alois Haidinger, Maria Stieglecker. Edited by Franz Lackner. Phil. – hist. Class of the OeAW. Memorandum, Volume 336. Publications of the Commission for the Writing and Book System of the Middle Ages Series II, Volume 9 Edited by Otto Kresten. Series II lists the manuscripts of Austrian libraries, edited by Otto Mazal, volume 9. Vienna 2006, 24–42. From Slovenian.
  • Andreas L. Hofbauer , Usoda moči. Imam par volov, ki mora vleči z glavo, in tako vem, kaj pomeni delati z glavo. Dobro jutro! Grabbe , In: Niko Sturm - Josef Zekoff, Moč / Kraft. Drava Verlag 2007. From German into Slovenian.
  • Jura Soyfer, The Vagabond Song. From German into Slovenian + commentary . In: Herbert Arlt (Ed.) Jura Soyfer and the Old World. Vienna 2009, 263.

Publications on the Internet

  • Excerpts from the phil. Diss. Vienna 1973
  • Slovenian Studies at the University of Vienna as a European contribution . In: Trans, Internet magazine for cultural studies, March 3, 1998. http://www.inst.at/trans/3Nr/sturm.htm
  • The role of literature and linguistics in affirming the Slovenian national identity . In: Trans, Internet Journal for Cultural Studies, No. 6, 1998.
  • Franz Miklosich - a "European" in the 19th century .
  • Social commitment and symbolic stylistic devices with Ivan Cankar. Turn of the century Vienna from the perspective of a European-Slovenian author .
  • Two stories from Carinthia by Prežihov Voranc in the mirror of experienced history
  • The concept of culture - Slovenia . In: Cultural Studies and Europe or the Reality of Virtuality, Encyclopedia of Multilingual Cultural Studies.
  • Approaches to cultures and multilingualism . In: Conference Multilingualism, Transnationality, Cultural Studies (Vienna, December 6-9, 2001).
  • Fran Miklošič, an Early Visionary of European Integration in Philological Studies. The Difficult Path Towards the Acceptance of the Concept of Diversity and Plurality .

Literary writings

  • Oče naš v logorju . In: Koroški koledar 1988.
  • From a child's memories of the Nazi era . In: Auf - a women's magazine 66 (1989) 39/41.
  • Iz spominov otroka na čas nacizma . In: Vestnik koroških partizanov 3-4 (1989) 56-62.
  • Search for clues. Narrated story of the Carinthian Slovenes . Vienna 1990. (Collaboration).
  • Two stories from Carinthia by Prežihov Voranc in the mirror of experienced history . In: Jura Soyfer. International journal for cultural studies. No. 1 (2000) 6-15.
  • Koroški koledar 2007 , 114–125 (co-author).


Individual evidence

  1. See: Katja Sturm-Schnabl: Slovenian Studies at the University of Vienna as a European contribution . In: Trans, Internet magazine for cultural studies, March 3, 1998. http://www.inst.at/trans/3Nr/sturm.htm
  2. Archived copy ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / fotoservice.bundeskanzleramt.at
  3. Rizzi Prize to Katja Sturm-Schnabl on ORF Carinthia from October 4, 2019.
  4. ^ Böhlau Verlag: http://www.boehlau-verlag.com/978-3-205-79673-2.html
  5. Cover picture: http://www.boehlau-verlag.com/bilder/9783205796732.jpg
  6. Archived copy ( Memento of August 18, 2000 in the Internet Archive )
  7. Archived copy ( Memento from July 16, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  8. http://www.inst.at/trans/6Nr/sturm.htm
  9. Short version: http://www.inst.at/studies/s_0104_d.htm
  10. Archived copy ( Memento of November 21, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  11. http://www.inst.at/trans/7Nr/sturm7a.htm
  12. http://www.inst.at/ausstellung/enzy/kultur/slowenisch_sturmschnabl.htm
  13. (abstract) http://www.inst.at/termine/multilingualism/abstract_sturm.htm
  14. http://cf.hum.uva.nl/natlearn/

Web links