Atlingbo Church

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Atlingbo Church, 2014

The Church of Atlingbo ( Swedish Atlingbo kyrka ) is a Gothic - Romanesque country church on the Swedish island of Gotland . It belongs to the parish (swed. Församling ) Vall, Hogrän och Atlingbo in the diocese of Visby .

Portal of the Church of Atlingbo
Atlingbo Church

Asylum Church

According to the Gutalag , a legal text for Gotland that was probably recorded around 1220, it was one of the three asylum churches on Gotland where people accused of murder or manslaughter and their families could stay for 40 days, so that during this time negotiations could be held.

Church building

The foundations of a mid-12th century church, one of the oldest stone churches on Gotland, were excavated under the floor of the church. The square choir of today's church was built alongside it at the beginning of the 13th century . The apse has a rare pointed arch, rather than a semicircular floor plan. Towards the end of the 13th century, today's nave and the tower room, which forms the ground floor of the never completed tower , were built. The walls have only received the tip with sound openings, which offers space for a bell storey and appears from the outside as a roof turret on the nave. The sacristy with the adjoining warehouse under the same roof was built next to the northern wall of the choir from 1800 to 1801. The whole building is made of plastered limestone . The church has three portals with carved borders:

  • a Romanesque choir portal in the south
  • a Gothic south portal with ribbons of capitals adorned with sculptures and a pointed gable crown on the nave
  • a Gothic north portal to the basement of the tower.

The three windows of the apse are still original, as are the south windows of the nave and a round window with tracery in the west wall of the tower room. In the south wall of the planned tower there is an externally accessible chamber with an original three-pass opening to the church interior. The tower staircase runs in the wall above this chamber. A holy water basin made of carved stone, originally attached to the wall , is located in the inner niche of the nave portal. The wide triumphal arch combines the unusually spacious apse and the single nave nave, which is divided into two bays by a profiled belt arch resting on consoles .

The rune stone G 200

G 200

In the church there is a fragment of a Viking Age (about 1100 AD) rune stone made of limestone. It is about 1.33 m long, 0.56 m wide and 0.24 m thick. It shows the remains of a ribbon of snakes with a runic inscription.


  • The sandstone baptismal font with an octagonal bowl decorated in relief is attributed to the master Byzantios from the 12th century.
  • The wooden altar is from the 17th century.
  • The pulpit was made by Rasmus Felderman in 1693; the strong painting is from 1758.
  • The benches were built in the 18th century.
  • The organ with six registers was built in 1892 by Åkerman & Lund Orgelbyggeri .


The church is inland Gotland, east of road 142 from Visby to Hemse , 19 km south of Visby, 27 km north of Hemse and 4.5 km southwest of Roma .


Web links

Commons : Church of Atlingbo  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 57 ° 28 ′ 47.7 "  N , 18 ° 23 ′ 27"  E