Church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (Bačka Palanka)

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The Church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

The Church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist ( Serbian Црква рођења Светог Јована Крститеља, Crkva rođenja Svetog Jovana Kritelanka ) in Backa Palanka , is a Serbian Orthodox church in the northern Serbian province of Voj Vodina .

The church was built from 1783 to 1787. The house of God is dedicated to the birth of St. John the Baptist . The church building belongs to the Batschka eparchy of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The church is one of the cultural monuments of Serbia.


The church is located in the center of the northern Serbian town of Bačka Palanka. The church is located a few kilometers north of the Danube. The Danube forms the border with the Croatian Ilok . The church is located on the main street of the city, Ulica Svetozara Miletića . Dositejeva Ulica street is south of the church and Kralja Petra I street to the north .

The town hall, the primary school " Vuk Stefanović Karadžić " and the town's post office are located near the church .

The church in the city center

History and architecture

The Church of the Birth of St. John the Baptist was built between 1783 and 1787. The church is a single nave with a semicircular apse that is the same width as the nave. The choir of the church is slightly wider and more rectangular than in other baroque churches in northern Serbia. The high baroque church tower rises on the west side of the church . The church was built in the late Baroque style.

The architects and builders of the church were the then masters Josif Cigler from Čerević , who started the construction, and Ernest Harle , also from Čerević, who finished the construction. Both were bricklayers as well as architects.

The luxurious and valuable iconostasis , with a multitude of motifs and decorative elements and shapes, is the work of the woodcarver and carpenter Georgije Dević from Bačka Palanka . The wood decorations and carvings in the choir area of ​​the church were also made by Georgije Dević .

In front of the iconostasis are elaborately worked tripods for placing candles . The church books and the gospel of the church are also valuable .

The icons on the iconostasis were painted in 1811 by Grigorije Jezdimirović , a master of the late Baroque and early Classicist painting style, the icon painting of the time . He also painted the frescoes in the entrance area of ​​the church. The main fresco of the church, the tomb of Christ, was painted by Konstantin Pantelić in 1836 .


Coordinates: 45 ° 14 ′ 56.8 ″  N , 19 ° 23 ′ 50.3 ″  E