Klaus Lohrmann

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Klaus Lohrmann (born March 15, 1949 in Vienna ) is an Austrian archivist , historian and university professor . In 1988 he was the founding director of the Institute for Jewish History in Austria .


Lohrmann studied history , Byzantine and Romance studies at the University of Vienna . In 1977 he passed the state examination at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research . In 1976 he was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD.

From 1976 to 1987 he was an archivist in the Vienna City and State Archives . From 1988 to 2004 he was the founding director of the Institute for Jewish History in Austria in Sankt Pölten. In 1991 he completed his habilitation in the history of the Middle Ages at the University of Vienna. He is an associate professor at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research.

His main research interests are the history of the Jews , medieval Austria (especially Vienna) and anti-Semitism . He is the author of several books and articles.


Fonts (selection)

  • (Ed.): 1000 Years of Austrian Judaism. Exhibition catalog (= Studia Judaica Austriaca , 9). Edition Roetzer, Eisenstadt 1982, ISBN 3-85374-096-0 .
  • Jewish law and Jewish policy in medieval Austria (= handbook on the history of the Jews in Austria , series B, volume 1). Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 1990, ISBN 3-205-05286-2 .)
  • (Ed. With Martha Keil ): Studies on the history of the Jews in Austria (= handbook on the history of the Jews in Austria, series B, volume 2). Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 1994, ISBN 3-205-98174-X .
  • Between finance and tolerance. The House of Habsburg and the Jews. A historical essay . Publishing house Styria, Graz u. a. 2000, ISBN 3-222-12766-2 .
  • The Viennese Jews in the Middle Ages (= History of the Jews in Vienna , Volume 1). Philo, Berlin a. a. 2000, ISBN 3-8257-0158-1 .
  • with Michael Ley: Project Europe. Successes - Errors - Perspectives . Patmos, Düsseldorf 2007, ISBN 978-3-491-35002-1 .
  • The Popes and the Jews. 2000 years between persecution and reconciliation . Patmos, Düsseldorf 2008, ISBN 978-3-491-35014-4 .

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