Klaus Taubensee

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Klaus Ulrich Taubensee (born April 7, 1936 in Danzig -Langfuhr) is a former German retail salesman , federal border police officer, administrative officer and volunteer in the free child and youth welfare service in Bonn .

Live and act

Klaus Taubensee with Willy Brandt at the exhibition in the Bonn town hall in 1981

Taubensee's parents Willy Taubensee and Frida Taubensee geb. Shaving beard were independent merchants and led to 1945 a deli - and grocery store in Gdansk-Wrzeszcz. On July 20, 1945 he was forcibly resettled by the Gdansk city administration to the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany. Taubensee spent his school days in Danzig-Langfuhr and Ahrensburg near Hamburg . After an apprenticeship as a businessman from 1951 to 1954, he joined the Federal Border Guard / Passport Control Service in 1955 . From 1962 he did an administrative training at the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) in Flensburg. He then worked as a registry manager in the KBA's central traffic register and from 1967 at the Federal Ministry of Transport and Federal President's Office in Bonn . In 1995 he retired after 44 years in the business.

Taubensee was married to Inge Taubensee geb. Warnemünde (1938–2014) and has lived in Ratzeburg , in the Herzogtum Lauenburg district , since 2014 .


Klaus Taubensee with Pawel Adamowicz in the Lübeck Chamber of Crafts in 2016

Taubensee was involved in a variety of ways in the context of child and youth welfare in Bonn. From 1970 to 1972 he was managing director of the Bonner Kinder-Theater-Verein e. V. In 1972 he called the Bonn Studio for Children and Youth Ballet as initiator and founding member . V. (BSKJ), of which he was first chairman from 1972 to 1994. He supported projects for Bonn youth, such as B. the organization and management of youth leisure activities as well as sightseeing flights with sports machines over Bonn and the surrounding area in the series "Local history from a bird's eye view". He was also responsible for the organization and management of international youth encounters in Bonn, Warsaw , Moscow and Kaliningrad .

Taubensee initiated and supported ballet charity events for the benefit of numerous organizations such as the Bonn Workers' Welfare Association, the Children's Hospital in Warsaw, Kindernothilfe Duisburg, UNICEF and Deutsche Welthungerhilfe . Numerous well-known personalities took part as guests at these events, such as a. Wilhelmine Lübke , Karin Dor , Ruth Niehaus , Barbara Genscher, Norbert Blüm , Willy Millowitsch , Paul Hubschmid , Fritz Eckhardt , Karl Merkatz and Konrad Beikircher .

Self-portrait Klaus Taubensee

Taubensee was u. a. Member of the official delegations of the Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe and the youth welfare office of the city of Bonn, as well as the international youth specialist meetings in Poland (1974, 1976, 1979), Russia (1990), France (1974), Finland, Estonia (1975) and Turkey (1976). His special concern was rapprochement, reconciliation and encounters with the people in Poland and Russia. In August 1996 he was the head of the delegation of the German-Russian youth specialist seminar “Youth and Politics” in Kaliningrad. In addition, from 1991 to 1994 he was responsible for the organization and management of youth exchanges at various ballet schools in Bonn, Warsaw, Moscow and Kaliningrad.

Taubensee organized and supervised the exhibitions on the former Auschwitz concentration camp under the patronage of Willy Brandt in January 1981 in the Bonn city hall and the exhibition "The Diary of Anne Frank " under the patronage of Federal Minister Ursula Lehr in June 1989 in the main branch of the Sparkasse Bonn .

From 1976 to 1979 Taubensee was deputy chairman of the Bonn Children's and Youth Association. V.

On his initiative, the non-commercial Freundeskreis Bonner Reise Studio (patron Wilhelm Wieben ) was set up for international encounters and friendships. Taubensee was also responsible for the organization and management of the international adventure and educational trips from 1975 to 2019. 52 trips with a total of 1989 participants took place here.


Publications (selection)

  • Considerations on the Second Law for the Safety of Road Traffic , in the magazine "Die Polizei im Lande Schleswig-Holstein", June / July 1965, No. 6/7, page 5
  • Echo of a television discussion in the Federal Republic of Germany , in: Polish newspaper "Glos Wybrzeza", Gdansk, 14./15. October 1972, No. 245 (7652), page 2
  • Ballet and youth care. A model test in Bonn , in the journal “Ballett-Journal” 6th year, II / 1980, ISSN 0174-0636, page 52
  • Tourism. Like a game , in the brochure “Die Guszette” Foundation House for the Disabled in Bonn, issue 4/06, October 2006, page 31
  • Impressions from Gdańsk (events-experiences-memories) , brochure, 84 pages, 2008, new edition 2019

Individual evidence

  1. Freundeskreis Bonner Reise Studio. Retrieved October 26, 2019 .