Ball hornwort

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Ball hornwort
Hornwort (Cerastium glomeratum)

Hornwort ( Cerastium glomeratum )

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Carnation family (Caryophyllaceae)
Subfamily : Alsinoideae
Genre : Horn herbs ( Cerastium )
Type : Ball hornwort
Scientific name
Cerastium glomeratum

The hornwort ( Cerastium glomeratum ), also known as the hornwort , is a species of the carnation family (Caryophyllaceae).


Illustration from Flora Batava , Volume 17.
The tip of the sepals is clearly surmounted by glandless hair.

The hornwort grows as a one to two year old herbaceous plant and reaches heights of about 2 to 25 centimeters. The above-ground parts of the plant are pale or almost yellow-green in color. It has protruding trichomes up to 2 mm long , with glandular hairs on top ( indument ).

The opposite leaves are usually rounded-ovate, more rarely elongated, the lower ones narrowed into the petiole.

The flowering period extends from March to September. The inflorescence looks tightly packed and almost knotted. All bracts are herbaceous and without a skin border with a bearded hairy upper end. The hermaphrodite flowers are five-fold with a double flower envelope . The five petals are white, with margins in the front third, glabrous and about as long as the five sepals . The stamens are bare.

The fruit stalks are usually shorter than the calyx. The elongated, cylindrical capsule fruit pops up with ten teeth.

The chromosome number is 2n = 72.


Cerastium glomeratum occurs all over the world today. It originally grows in Europe, Madeira, North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, West Asia, the Caucasus, Turkmenistan and the Indian subcontinent. It is a neophyte in North, Central and South America, in the Azores, Canaries, in southern Africa, in Australia, New Zealand, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion, New Guinea, Hawaii, in Malesia and in the Caribbean. In the Alps it rises to an altitude of 1600 m above sea ​​level . In the Allgäu Alps in Vorarlberg in Baad it rises to an altitude of 1250 meters.

In Switzerland it is common, to be found scattered to rare in Austria. In Germany, the hornwort is widespread almost everywhere and is usually found frequently. It is only found scattered in northern Germany.

The hornwort grows in weed fields , also on paths and debris areas. It prefers moderately fresh to moist, nutrient-rich , lime-poor, sandy or pure loam and clay soils . It can often be found in chopped fields. In Central Europe it is an association character of the Chenopodio-Oxalidetum fontanae, but also occurs in societies of the Secalietea class or the Nanocyperion or Agropyro-Rumicion associations.


  • Henning Haeupler, Thomas Muer: picture atlas of the fern and flowering plants of Germany . Ed .: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (=  The fern and flowering plants of Germany . Volume 2 ). Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2000, ISBN 3-8001-3364-4 .
  • Wolfgang Adler, Karl Oswald, Raimund Fischer: Excursion flora of Austria . Ed .: Manfred A. Fischer. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart / Vienna 1994, ISBN 3-8001-3461-6 .
  • Christian Heitz: School and excursion flora for Switzerland. Taking into account the border areas. Identification book for wild growing vascular plants . Founded by August Binz. 18th completely revised and expanded edition. Schwabe & Co., Basel 1986, ISBN 3-7965-0832-4 .
  • Erich Oberdorfer : Plant-sociological excursion flora . With the collaboration of Theo Müller. 6th, revised and expanded edition. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 1990, ISBN 3-8001-3454-3 .
  • Konrad von Weihe (ed.): Illustrated flora. Germany and neighboring areas. Vascular cryptogams and flowering plants . Founded by August Garcke. 23rd edition. Paul Parey, Berlin / Hamburg 1972, ISBN 3-489-68034-0 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Erich Oberdorfer : Plant-sociological excursion flora for Germany and neighboring areas . 8th edition. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5 . Page 376.
  2. ^ A b Cerastium in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved August 27, 2017.
  3. Erhard Dörr, Wolfgang Lippert : Flora of the Allgäu and its surroundings. Volume 1, IHW, Eching 2001, ISBN 3-930167-50-6 , p. 496.

Web links

Commons : Hornwort ( Cerastium glomeratum )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files