Konrad Rösel

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Konrad Rösel (born December 8, 1905 in Pirna ; † September 15, 1994 in Riesa ) was a German teacher, folklorist and local researcher.


Rösel and his parents moved from the Elbe to the Ore Mountains early on . He spent his youth in Schlettau , Annaberg and Crottendorf and attended the teachers' college in Annaberg from 1920 to 1927. Briefly employed as a teacher in Crottendorf, he then studied German, history, French and Latin philology at the University of Leipzig . He specialized in Ore Mountain dialect research, settlement history and namology , about which he presented numerous publications. After working as an exchange teacher in the south of France for some time, Rösel returned to Annaberg as a teacher. From 1936 to 1971 Konrad Rösel worked as a teacher in Riesa , most recently from 1960 at the "Max Planck" extended secondary school . During this time, he also worked as a lecturer at the Dresden Transport School and at the Riese adult education center, where he taught French.

At times Konrad Rösel also worked as an editor and publisher for the GDR publishing house Volk und Welt in Berlin, where he was particularly concerned with the publication of methodological material for school lessons in German. He also wrote several articles for the specialist magazines German Lessons , Foreign Language Lessons and Language Maintenance . From 1955 to 1994 he supported the Sächsische Gebirgsheimat calendar with contributions from his own pen and as a lecturer for the Ore Mountains and Saxon Switzerland areas. From 1955 he also worked on the dictionary of Upper Saxon dialects. He developed u. a. the manuscript The field names of the district Annaberg , in which he recorded over 11,000 field names. He also worked on volume 30 of the series values ​​of the German homeland (From Oschatz to Riesa).

Politically, he was socially active as an NDPD member. He also supported the work of the Kulturbund der GDR (working group North Saxon Elbaue) and the district committee for folklore in the Dresden district .

According to Manfred Bachmann , Konrad Rösel was one of those educators who understood local history and folklore as necessary elements of socialist education.

Fonts (selection)

  • Christian Lehmann's 'Dubenroisches Gelatsch'. In: Sächsische Heimatblätter , issue 9/1961, pp. 579-582 and issue 2/1962, pp. 115–118.


  • Pestalozzi medal in silver
  • Construction nobility of NAW in bronze, silver and gold
  • Badge of honor for local history achievements in silver and gold
  • Johannes R. Becher Medal in silver


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Bachmann: Konrad Rösel on his 75th birthday . In: Sächsische Heimatblätter , 27 (1981), p. 92.