Konrad Summenhart

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Konrad Summenhart (* around 1450 in Calw ; † October 20, 1502 in Schuttern Monastery ) was a German theologian , canonist and natural philosopher .


After his studies, which took him to Heidelberg and Paris , Konrad Summenhart taught in Tübingen , where he was, among other things, rector of the university and dean of the artist faculty on several occasions . From 1484 he worked at the theological faculty in Tübingen. He is considered one of the most important scholars of his time.

Summenhart, who dealt with theology , jurisprudence, economics and natural philosophy, was a representative of a reform theology before the Reformation . His works contain only a few traces of the new humanistic tendency in Germany . Some of his works presented ecclesiastical affairs in a critical light, especially monastic grievances. That made him the forerunner of the Reformation.

Works (selection)

De contractibus licitis atque illicitis , 1580
  • Helmut Feld (Ed.): Conradi Summenhart Opera omnia .
    • Volume 1: Tractatus theologici et canonistici. von Zabern, Mainz 2004, ISBN 3-8053-3384-6


  • Franz Xaver Linsenmann : Konrad Summenhart. A culture picture from the beginnings of the University of Tübingen , 1877.
  • Heinrich Hermelink: The theological faculty in Tübingen before the Reformation 1477–1534 , 1906.
  • Johannes Haller: The beginnings of the University of Tübingen 1477–1537 , 2 vol., 1927. 1929.
  • Wolfgang Urban : About the astrolabe, the vacuum and the diversity of worlds. Paul Scriptoris and Konrad Summenhart: Two scholars between scholasticism and humanism . In: Attempto, 69/1983, ISSN  1436-6096 , pp. 49-55.
  • Hugo Ott: On the business ethics of Konrad Summenhart approx. 1455–1502 . In: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Vol. 53/1966, No. 1, ISSN  0340-8728 , pp. 1–27.
  • Helmut Feld: Konrad Summenhart (around 1458–1502). The phoenix among Germany's scholars . In: Sönke Lorenz, Volker Schäfer (Ed.): Tubingensia. Impulses for city and university history; Festschrift for Wilfried Setzler . Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2008, ISBN 978-3-7995-5510-4 , pp. 151-164 .
  • Johann Friedrich von Schulte:  Summenhart, Konrad . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 37, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1894, p. 155 f.
  • Helmut Feld:  Konrad Summenhart. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 11, Bautz, Herzberg 1996, ISBN 3-88309-064-6 , Sp. 260-262.

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