Consistorial district of Ilfeld

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The consistorial district of Ilfeld is a historical administrative unit of the Evangelical Lutheran regional church of Hanover .


Ev. Church of St. Georg-Marien in Ilfeld

The special position of the Ilfeld district goes back to its membership in the county of Hohnstein . When the Hohnstein family of counts died out in 1593, disputes arose over the feudal estates of the Electors of Saxony, the Bishops of Halberstadt and the Dukes of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen , whose affiliations could no longer be clearly distinguished. Through an agreement between the Guelphs and the House of Brandenburg for the Halberstadt Abbey, the places Bleicherode , Ellrich and Benneckenstein fell to Brandenburg, while the Guelphs received the ancestral county of Hohnstein and sovereignty over the Walkenried monastery . The Counts of Stolberg received the castle and office of Hohnstein von Braunschweig as a fief, as they were contractually entitled to as heirs of the Hohnstein Counts.

Through the recess between the House of Braunschweig and the Count's House of Stolberg on July 22nd, 1639, the Counts of Stolberg received the right to present and introduce the pastors, to order ordination , jurisdiction over marriage and the right to conduct special visits. In 1640 the count's chancellery appointed a clerical inspector to exercise their rights in church matters, thus establishing the inspection of the county of Hohnstein.

Further conflicts of competence with the consistory in Hanover led to a new main recession on 18/29. May 1733. In it, the counts were granted the right to set up a count's consistory in Neustadt am Harz to exercise the count's rights, which should be subordinate to the consistory in Hanover. In return, the counts recognized the feudal sovereignty of the Hanoverian Elector again. The first inspector of the clergy appointed by the counts belonged to the consistory as a spiritual member. The count's consistory later moved to Niedersachswerfen before taking up its seat in Ilfeld . In addition to the count's consistory and the inspectorate, a superintendent was established for the county in 1728 as a sovereign supervisory body. From 1755 to 1764 and from 1768 to 1875 the superintendent was connected with the pastor's office in Ilfeld.

With the formation of the Hanoverian regional church in 1866, the legal situation changed again. The united regional church entered into the rights of the previous consistory in Hanover. The rights of the consistory in Ilfeld were confirmed in 1872 by a contract between the church government in Hanover and Counts Stolberg-Stolberg and Stolberg-Wernigerode. It was also given the rights that the church commissioners (governors, later district administrators) were otherwise entitled to. Accordingly, the composition of the consistory was changed so that the governor became chairman and the ruling count appointed the two assessors, one of whom had to be pastor of the supervisory district. At the same time, the district was expanded to include the Rothesütte parish (previously subordinate to the Wernigerode Forestry Office Sophienhütte) and the Ilfeld Abbey District (previously directly subordinate to the consistory in Hanover).

In 1875, the superintendent and inspectorate were combined and a Royal Prussian and Countess (from 1893 Princely) Stolberg Consistory was established in Neustadt, which was moved to Ilfeld in 1903. In 1908 Ilfeld became the permanent seat of the superintendent. The first clerical member of the consistory was always the superintendent, who held the official title of consistorial councilor . A clerical and a legal assessor (consistorial assessors) were appointed by the prince and confirmed by the Church Senate in Hanover.

Even with the reorganization of the Hanoverian regional church in 1936, the consistory in Ilfeld remained in this form, although the Ilfeld district had come from the Hanover province to the Saxony province in 1932 . By regulation of the church government on the church administration in the parish of Ilfeld (Grafschaft Hohnstein) of December 19, 1936 only the appointment of the superintendent according to the order of the Lutheran. Regional church of Hanover with the participation of the owner of the Stolberg forest estate (ie the prince).

After the end of World War II , the consistorial district of Ilfeld was in the Soviet occupation zone and from 1949 in the GDR . This made relations with the church leadership in Hanover much more difficult. The regional church office therefore authorized the consistory in Ilfeld by order of August 27, 1945 to independently carry out all church administrative business that is necessary to maintain ongoing administration. The previous patron saint, Wolff-Heinrich Fürst zu Stolberg-Stolberg, entrusted the state church office with a document dated February 18, 1952, with the exercise of the rights to which it was entitled, without the patronage being fundamentally revoked.

After the Wall was built, the situation worsened. The church senate issued an emergency ordinance by which the parishes of the Hanoverian regional church Elbingerode, Kaarßen, Neuhaus (Elbe), Stapel, Tripkau and Wehningen as well as the chapel parishes Stiepelse and Nettgau-Wendisch Brome were connected to the supervisory district and parish association of Ilfeld.

As a result of the formation of the " Federation of Evangelical Churches in the GDR ", the administration of the consistorial district with the congregations belonging to and affiliated with it in the GDR went after previous negotiations with the church leadership in Dresden on April 1, 1969 together with the eastern part of the Brunswick Propstei Blankenburg over to the Saxon regional church . He kept his independence in the previous extent. All inherited responsibilities and tasks within the church continued to be carried out by the consistory in Ilfeld. In the Evangelical Lutheran regional synod of Saxony, the church district with the church district Blankenburg was represented by a joint synod who was appointed by the regional church after prior contact with the Ilfeld consistory and the provost of the Blankenburg provost.

On January 1, 1974, Ilfeld was fully integrated into the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony. With the transition to the Lutheran Saxon regional church, Ilfeld again formed an enclave within the United Church Province of Saxony . The agendas and the hymnbook introduced in the consistorial district of Ilfeld remained in use until further notice.

With effect from January 1, 1982, the district was incorporated into the Evangelical Church of the Church Province of Saxony. The 1962 affiliated areas of the Neuhaus district , which fell to the Mecklenburg regional church , were not affected . While the Blankenburg Propstei was reintegrated into the Braunschweigische Landeskirche after the fall of the Wall and the parishes of the Neuhaus District returned to the Hanoverian Regional Church, the former consistorial district Ilfeld remained against the will of the affected parishes in the parish of Nordhausen of the Evangelical Church of the ecclesiastical province of Saxony, which in 2009 the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thuringia was merged to form the Evangelical Church in Central Germany .


The following parishes recently belonged to the consistorial district of Ilfeld:

Individual evidence

  1. a b Jörg Brückner, Between Imperial Estates and Estates. The Counts of Stolberg and their relationship to the Landgraves of Thuringia and later dukes, electors and kings of Saxony (1210 to 1815) , Chemnitz: Technische Univ. Diss., 2003, p. 207.
  2. ^ Church law on the separation of the consistorial district of Ilfeld from the Evangelical Lutheran. Regional church of Hanover from December 18, 1973. In: Church official gazette of the Ev.-luth. Regional Church of Hanover 26/1973, p. 267f.


  • Philipp Meyer : The pastors of the regional churches of Hanover and Schaumburg-Lippes since the Reformation . Volume 2: Kaarpen to Zeven. Göttingen 1942, DNB 367017164 , pp. 558-560.