Konstantin Höss

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Konstantin Höss

Konstantin Höß (born April 25, 1903 in Prague , Austria-Hungary , † March 20, 1970 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German politician ( SdP , NSDAP , later GB / BHE ).

Live and act

Höß completed his school career at the German elementary and secondary school in Prague. He joined the Wandervogel and later became involved in the Bohemia movement and the Arndt group. After finishing school he studied at the Hohenheim Agricultural University and in Tetschen-Liebwert . He then headed the farming college in Geltschhäuseln and was employed as a professional guardian for the German State Commission for Child Protection and Youth Welfare in Mährisch Schönberg from 1927 to 1930 . Then he headed the farming school in Groß-Ullersdorf . Finally, he got involved in setting up the German youth welfare system in Slovakia.

Höss belonged to the Association of Comrades and Social Sciences and joined the Carpathian German Party (KdP) in 1930 . He became a member of Konrad Henlein's Sudeten German Party (SdP) in the early 1930s . From 1935 to 1938 he worked for the party as secretary of the parliamentary club of deputies and senators of the SdP. During the escalation of the Sudeten crisis , he joined the Sudeten German Freikorps . After the German annexation of the Sudeten areas by the National Socialist German Reich in autumn 1938 , he joined the NSDAP (6,489,496) and was then head of the NS organization Kraft durch Freude in Sudetenland until 1939 . After a short military service, Höß was entrusted with the office of NSDAP district leader in Prague in spring 1939 .

Höß joined the National Socialist Reichstag as a member of the National Socialist Reichstag on February 28, 1940 in the replacement procedure for the prematurely retired MP Gustav Adolf Oberlik , to which he belonged as a representative of the Sudetenland until the end of Nazi rule in spring 1945.

On February 1, 1942, Höß was deposed as district leader in Prague by Reinhard Heydrich , as he had previously belonged to the Comradeship Association. Instead, from February 1942 to 1945, Höß served as director of the Central Bank of Cooperatives for Bohemia and Moravia .

After the Second World War , Höß was briefly imprisoned in 1945. Then he worked as a commercial clerk in Hessen. He joined the Witikobund , had been the managing director of the Association of Homeland-Displaced Publishers from 1968 and headed a meeting place in Vlotho . He was also involved in the displaced party GB / BHE , for which he ran unsuccessfully in the Bundestag election in 1957 in the Bundestag constituency of Frankfurt am Main III and on the Hessian state list.


  • The SdP in Parliament. An annual report. Compiled on behalf of the parliamentary club of the SdP and the KdP. 1935.
  • The SdP in Parliament. An annual report 1935/36. [...] on behalf of the main management and the board of the parliamentary club of the SdP and the KdP. 1937.


  • Joachim Lilla , Martin Döring, Andreas Schulz: extras in uniform. The members of the Reichstag 1933–1945. A biographical manual. Including the ethnic and National Socialist members of the Reichstag from May 1924. Droste, Düsseldorf 2004, ISBN 3-7700-5254-4 , p. 253.
  • Joachim Lilla: The representation of the “Reichsgau Sudetenland” and the “Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia” in the Grossdeutsche Reichstag. In: Bohemia . Journal of the history and culture of the Czech lands. Volume 40, Issue 2, 1999, p. 459.
  • Ernst Kienast (ed.): The Greater German Reichstag 1938, fourth electoral period. R. v. Decker's Verlag, G. Schenck, June 1943 edition, Berlin.
  • Tobias Weger : “Volkstumskampf” without end? Sudeten German Organizations, 1945–1955 (= The Germans and Eastern Europe. Volume 2). Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2008, ISBN 978-3-631-57104-0 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Höss, Konstantin . In: Martin Schumacher (Ed.): MdB - The People's Representation 1946–1972. - [Haack to Huys] (=  KGParl online publications ). Commission for the History of Parliamentarism and Political Parties e. V., Berlin 2006, ISBN 978-3-00-020703-7 , pp. 513 , urn : nbn: de: 101: 1-2014070812574 ( kgparl.de [PDF; 495 kB ; retrieved on June 19, 2017] Date of death 19/20. March 1970.).
  2. ^ A b c d Tobias Weger: "Volkstumskampf" without end ?: Sudeten German organizations, 1945–1955. Volume 2 of The Germans and Eastern Europe. Frankfurt am Main 2008, p. 601.
  3. a b c Joachim Lilla: The representation of the "Reichsgau Sudetenland" and the "Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia" in the Greater German Reichstag . In: Bohemia. Journal of the history and culture of the Czech lands. Volume 40, Issue 2, 1999, p. 459.