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Blankensee , Kienwerder and Krullenhaus parts of the municipality of Mittenwalde, Lkr.Uckermark, Brandenburg, excerpt from the Urmes table sheet 2848 Gerswalde from 1826

Krullenhaus was a district of Mittenwalde in the Uckermark district (Brandenburg). The small settlement was built around 1700 and was demolished after 1971.


Krullenhaus was 1.5 km east-southeast from the center of Mittenwalde and about 2 km southwest of Blankensee . The settlement area is now in the middle of a large field, but is left out of agricultural use and is therefore still easily recognizable. It was 78  m above sea level. NHN .


In 1714 a house, a barn, fields and meadows in Mittelheyde belonged to the Sternhagen manor owned by von Arnim. The Mittelheide was part of the great Gerswaldische Heide, which was divided into several knight seats in the 18th century. The name Krullenhaus has not yet been mentioned. Not until 1720 is a sheep farm or Vorwerk Krullenhaus mentioned for the first time. The explanation of the name given by Rudolf Schmidt, that the Vorwerk was named after a hunter Krull, for whom a hunter's house was established here in 1785, cannot therefore be correct.

1734 lived on Krull house already three Häusl Inge , a shepherd, three servants and two maids. The estate belonged to Otto von Arnim. He was followed by Curt Heinrich Gottlieb after. In 1754, Krullenhaus is referred to as a small knight's farm that was cleared in the Mittelheide. At that time it had (only) 54 acres of cleared land. In 1756/57 the Rittervorwerk Land had 1½ bison sowing 2nd class or 1 1/8 bison sowing reduced to 1st class.

In 1775 a hunter's apartment was set up next to the Vorwerk. There were three fire pits , two of which were in a duplex. A total of four Büdner or residents lived on the estate. In 1790 only the manager and a resident lived at Krullenhaus; accordingly there were only two campfire sites (residential buildings).

Friedrich Wilhelm Bratring describes Krullenhaus in 1804 as a Vorwerk near and belonging to Sternhagen, along with a forester's apartment. The forester had to look after a forest of as yet undetermined size. There were two fire pits (apartments) in Krullenhaus and 12 residents. Krullenhaus was owned by the heirs of Colonel Curt Heinrich Gottlieb von Arnim, who died in 1800 without a physical heir. Krullenhaus now fell to Valentin Dietloff, who died in 1802, and his son Carl Christoph Joachim von Arnim, who died in 1821 without an heir. After the division of the estate in 1825, Blankensee and Krullenhaus now fell to Carl Otto Ludwig (called Pitt , 1779–1861) and Carl Joachim Friedrich Ludwig ( Achim , 1781–1831) von Arnim. They were the sons of Joachim Erdmann von Arnim (1741–1804) and Amalie Caroline nee Labes (1761–1781). In 1817 the Vorwerk Krullenhaus had 19 residents. The tenant was the major and later police chief of Berlin Friedrich Wilhelm Karl von Arnim auf Gerswalde . The latter is also mentioned as a tenant in 1840. At that time the manor Krullenhaus had two houses and 12 residents. It was only in the fiefdom of 1825 that Blankensee and Krullenhaus were finally awarded to the brothers Carl Otto Ludwig and Carl Joachim Friedrich Ludwig von Arnim.

Heinrich Karl Wilhelm Berghaus names the brothers Freimund (1812–1863), Siegmund (1812–1890) and Friedmund (1815–1883) von Arnim as owners, the sons of Achim von Arnim, who died in 1831. The estate had a size of 806.7 acres , of which 0.171 acres were homestead, 4.68 acres of gardens, 600 acres of arable land, 130.147 acres of meadows, 50.31 acres of Hutung and 20 acres of land .

Karl Friedrich Rauer describes Krullenhain in 1857 as v. Arnimsche Mannlehen (together with Blankensee). Krullenhaus has its own numbering, so it was an independent manor district. In 1860 Gut Krullenhaus consisted of a residential building and six farm buildings, including a brick factory. It had 19 residents. In Adolf Frantz (1863) the spelling alternates between Krullenhain (p. 54) and Krullenhaus (p. 55). According to him, the estate had 806 acres, 591 of which were arable and 67 acres were meadows.

In the work The municipalities and manor districts of the Prussian state and their population from 1873 (the figures are from December 31, 1871) Krullenhaus was an independent communal unit. There were two households with 15 residents in one house. The general address book of manors and estate owners in the German Empire from 1879 now gives the estate size in hectares for the first time. According to this, Krullenhaus had a total size of 198.93 hectares, of which 167.82 hectares were arable, 22.72 hectares were meadows and 8.39 hectares were Hutung (pasture). The common owners were the brothers Friedmund, Siegmund and Friedmund von Arnim. Friedmund von Arnim is registered as the tenant. The brick factory was still in operation, the property tax net income is set at 2530 marks.

In the Handbook of Real Estate in the German Empire from 1885, the manor Krullenhaus is now listed under Blankensee. It had a size of 203 hectares, of which 172 hectares were arable, 23 hectares of meadows and 8 hectares of land. Wiepersdorf ). The administrator of Krullenhaus and Blankensee was a certain hand man. The Rambouillet sheep farm is noted as a specialty.

In the handbook of real estate in the German Empire from 1896, the manor Krullenhaus is now listed again with a size of 188 hectares, 160 hectares of which are arable, 20 hectares of meadow, 7 hectares of land and 1 hectare of water. The property tax net income is set to be the same at 2551 marks. Fritz von Arnim is listed as the owner.

In the Handbuch des Grundbesitz im Deutschen Reiche of 1903, the size information from 1896 is repeated, but Ottomar von Arnim (1864–1929) is named as the owner of the Blankensee estate. In 1907, Emil Haicke is listed as authorized officer, Martin Jeschke and Otto Deunert forest master as administrator. Size and animal population are given together for Blankensee and Krullenhaus. No tenant is named for 1914. Krullenhaus was still owned by Ottomar von Arnim in 1921; the total size is again given as 205 hectares. In 1923 and 1929 the two goods were treated together. A steam plow is noted as a special feature.

Communal history

According to the work The municipalities and manor districts of the Prussian state and their population from 1873 (the figures are from December 31, 1871), Krullenhaus was an independent communal unit until 1871 . In 1874 Krullenhaus then belonged to the Blankensee manor district. This year, the Blankensee manor with Krullenhaus was assigned to Gerswalde District 4. The head of office was the manor owner von Arnim auf Gerswalde. Deputy was bailiff Kolbe on Krohnhorst . In 1928 the Mittenwalde estate with Pappelwerder , with the Blankensee and Kienwerder estate districts , the Seeburg estate of the Ruhhof estate and parcels of the Seeburg district of the Kröchlendorff estate were combined to form the Mittenwalde municipality. Krullenhaus is Mittenwalde's residential area in 1931 and 1957. In 1964 and 1971 it is referred to as a district. It is not known when the buildings were demolished.

In 1992 Mittenwalde merged with nine other municipalities to form the Gerswalde Office .

Church affiliation

Krullenhaus went to church in Blankensee, together with Kienwerder. Blankensee in turn was a daughter church of Herzfelde .


  • Jochen von Arnim, Martin von Arnim: The von Arnim family: Chronicle of the family in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 684 S., Degener, Neustadt ad Aisch, 2002, ISBN 3-7686-5178-9 (in the following abbreviated to Arnim & Arnim, the gender of Arnim with corresponding page number)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Schmidt: From the Gerswalde-Fredenwalder corner. Templin district calendar for 1936: 17-25, Templin 1935 Staats- und Landesbibliothek Potsdam - digital repository: Templin district calendar 1936 , p. 22.
  2. ^ Friedrich Wilhelm August Bratring: Statistical-topographical description of the entire Mark Brandenburg. Second volume. Containing the Mittelmark and Ukermark. VIII, 583 p., Berlin, Maurer, 1805 Online at Google Books , p. 552
  3. ↑ Ortschafts = directory of the government = district of Potsdam according to the latest district division from 1817, with a note of the district to which the place previously belonged, the quality, number of people, confession, ecclesiastical circumstances, owner and address, along with an alphabetical register . Georg Decker, Berlin 1817 (without pagination) online at Google Books
  4. August von Sellentin: Topographical-statistical overview of the government district of Potsdam and the city of Berlin: Compiled from official sources. 292 p., Verlag der Sander'schen Buchhandlung, 1841 Central and State Library Berlin: Link to the digitized version (p. 229)
  5. ^ Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv - Online research: Lehnserbteilung from July 1, 1825 on Blankensee and Krullenhaus, which were transferred to the brothers Carl and Ludwig Achim von Arnim in the division. 1825
  6. ^ Heinrich Karl Wilhelm Berghaus: Land book of the Mark Brandenburg and the Markgrafthum Nieder-Lausitz in the middle of the 19th century; or geographical-historical-statistical description of the Province of Brandenburg, at the instigation of the State Minister and Upper President Flottwell. Second volume. 650 p., Printed and published by Adolph Müller, Brandenburg an der Havel 1855. Online at Google Books , p. 330.
  7. ^ Karl Friedrich Rauer: Hand register of the knight estates represented in all circles of the Prussian state on district and state parliaments. 454 p., Self-published by Rauer, Berlin 1857 Online at the Heinrich Heine University and State Library, Düsseldorf , p. 93.
  8. Richard Boeckh: Local statistics of the government district Potsdam with the city of Berlin. 276 p., Published by Dietrich Reimer, Berlin, 1861, p. 125.
  9. ^ Adolf Frantz: General register of lordships, knights and other goods of the Prussian monarchy with information on the area, yield, property tax, owner, purchase and tax prices. 117 p., Verlag der Gsellius'schen Buchhandlung, Berlin, 1863, p. 55.
  10. ^ The communities and manor districts of the province of Brandenburg and their population. Edited and compiled by the Royal Statistical Bureau from the original materials of the general census of December 1, 1871. In: Königliches Statistisches Bureau (Hrsg.): The communities and manor districts of the Prussian state and their population. tape II , 1873, ZDB -ID 1467417-8 , p. 14 ( digitized version ).
  11. ^ Paul Ellerholz, H. Lodemann, H. von Wedell: General address book of the manor and estate owners in the German Empire. With details of the properties, their size (in Culturart), their net income from property tax, their tenants, branches of industry and post offices. I. The Kingdom of Prussia. I. Delivery The Province of Brandenburg. 311 pp., Nicolaische Verlags-Buchhandlung R. Stricker, Berlin 1879, PDF , pp. 208–209.
  12. ^ Paul Ellerholz: Handbook of real estate in the German Empire. With indication of all goods, their quality, their size (in culture type); your property tax net income; their owners, tenants, administrators etc .; of industries; Postal stations; Breeding of special cattle, exploitation of livestock etc. I. The Kingdom of Prussia. I. Delivery: Province of Brandenburg. 2nd improved edition, 340 pp., Berlin, Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1885, pp. 276/77.
  13. Paul Ellerholz, Ernst Kirstein, Traugott Müller, W. Gerland and Georg Volger: Handbuch des Grundbesitz im Deutschen Reiche. With indication of all goods, their quality, their size and type of culture; your property tax net income; their owners, tenants, administrators etc .; of industries; Post, telegraph and railroad stations; Breeding of special breeds of animals; Exploitation of the livestock etc. I. The Kingdom of Prussia. I. Delivery: Province of Brandenburg. 3rd improved edition, 310 pp., Berlin, Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1896, pp. 262/63.
  14. ^ Ernst Kirstein (editor): Handbook of real estate in the German Empire. With indication of all goods, their quality, their size and type of culture; your property tax net income; their owners, tenants, administrators etc .; of industries; Post, telegraph and railroad stations; Breeding of special breeds of animals; Exploitation of the livestock etc. I. The Kingdom of Prussia. I. Delivery to the province of Brandenburg. 4th improved edition, LXX + 321 p., + 4 p., Nicolaische Verlags-Buchhandlung, Berlin, 1903, p. 262/63.
  15. ^ Paul Niekammer (ed.): Goods address book of the province of Brandenburg. List of all goods with details of the property's properties, the net income from property tax, the total area and the area of ​​the individual crops, livestock, all industrial facilities and telephone connections, details of the property, tenants and administrators, the post, telegraph and railway stations and their removal from the estate, the Protestant and Catholic parishes, the registry office districts, the city or administrative districts, the chamber, regional and local courts, the Landwehr districts as well as an alphabetical register of places and persons and a manual of the royal authorities of the province. 271 pp., Leipzig, Paul Niekammer, Stettin, 1907, pp. 90/91.
  16. ^ Ernst Seyfert (ed.): Goods address book for the province of Brandenburg. List of all manors, estates and larger farms in the province with details of the property properties, the net income from property tax, the total area and area of ​​the individual crops, livestock, all industrial facilities and telephone connections, details of the property, tenants and administrators of the Post, telegraph and railway stations and their distance from the estate, the Protestant and Catholic parishes, the registry office districts, the city and administrative districts, the higher regional, regional and local courts, an alphabetical register of places and persons, the manual of the royal authorities as well a map of the province of Brandenburg at a scale of 1: 1,000,000. XLV, 433 pp., Reichenbach'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Leipzig, 1914, pp. 158/59.
  17. R. Stricker, with the participation of the authorities and chambers of agriculture (ed.): Handbuch des Grundbesitzes im Deutschen Reiche. Brandenburg Province. Complete address book of all manors, estates and larger farms with details of the owners, tenants and administrators, the post, telegraph and railway stations and their distance from the property, as well as the telephone connections, the property property, the property tax net income, the total area and the area of ​​the individual crops, livestock, livestock exploitation, animal breeding and special crops, industrial facilities, courts and administrative districts, along with an alphabetical register of places and persons, an overview of the agricultural and structural conditions of the respective part of the country, a directory of the agricultural authorities and associations, cooperatives and industrial companies, as well as an exact map. 6th completely revised edition, 296 pp., Nicolaische Verlags-Buchhandlung, Berlin, 1921, pp. 248/49.
  18. ^ Oskar Koehler (arrangement), Kurt Schleising (introduction): Niekammer's agricultural goods address books. Agricultural goods address book of the province of Brandenburg: Directory of all manors, estates and larger farms in the province of approx. 30 hectares upwards with details of property properties, net income from property tax, the total area and the area of ​​the individual crops, livestock, all industrial plants and the telephone connections, details of the owners, tenants and administrators, the post, telegraph and railway stations and their distance from the property, the Protestant and Catholic parishes, the registry office districts, the city and official districts, the higher regional, regional and local courts, one alphabetical place and person registers, the manual of the royal authorities and a map in the scale 1: 175.0000. I-XXXII, 343 pp., Reichenbach'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Leipzig, 1923, p. 92.
  19. Ernst Seyfert, Hans Wehner, Alexander Haußknecht, Ludwig Hogrefe (eds.): Agricultural address book of the manors, estates and farms of the province of Brandenburg: List of all manors, estates and farms from approx. 20 ha upwards with information on the property, the total area and the area of ​​the individual crops, the livestock, the company's own industrial facilities and telephone connections, details of the owners, tenants and administrators, the post, telegraph and railway stations and their distance from the property, the regional and local courts, an alphabetical register of places and persons , a directory of the most important government agencies and agencies, agricultural associations and corporations. 4th increased and improved edition, 464 p., Leipzig, Verlag von Niekammer's address books, Leipzig, 1929 (Niekammer's goods address books Volume VII)
  20. Official Gazette of the Royal Government of Potsdam and the City of Berlin Extra sheet of June 6, 1874, p. 180 Online at Google Books
  21. Lieselott Enders : Historical local dictionary for Brandenburg. Part VIII: Uckermark. Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 1986, p. 541.
  22. Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv - Online research: Blankensee Kr. Templin, TK von Herzfelde, since 1835 united with the parish office of Herzfelde (HOL VIII p. 92), with Kienwerder, Krullenhaus (1853, 1860, 1868, 1871 no Tr.)


  1. A mistake has crept in here in the property handbook. Blankensee, Krullenhaus, Alt-Kölpin and Neudorf are here under Bergluch. Bergluch, Blankensee and Krullenhaus are marked as Fritz von Arnim's property. Bergluch formed its own manor district, which was fiscal. Alt-Kölpin and Neudorf also had no relationship with the Blankensee estate.

Coordinates: 53 ° 10 ′ 46 ″  N , 13 ° 41 ′ 1 ″  E