Krzysztof Maria Załuski

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Krzysztof Maria Załuski

Krzysztof Maria Załuski (born March 9, 1963 in Danzig ) is a Polish storyteller , dramaturge , publicist , essayist , journalist and editor .


Załuski is a graduate of Political Science from Gdansk University . From 1997 to 2004 he emigrated, first to Great Britain , then to Germany . He was a member of the Polish Writers' Association in Exile ( Związek Pisarzy Polskich na Obczyźnie ). He has been a member of the Polish Writers 'Association ( Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich ) since 2001 , and of the Polish Journalists' Association since 2014.

He made his debut in 1980 with prose on Polish Radio Danzig. He published three books in Polish: a selection of stories as “Bodenseer Triptychon” and two novels “Spital Polen” and “Wypędzeni do raju / Aussiedlerblues”. Based on motifs from “Aussi” - a story from the Lake Constance triptych, Polish television made the film “Wszyscy jesteśmy obcy / All are we strangers” (directed by Krzysztof Magowski, in the series “Współczesna proza ​​polska”, 1996). In 2000 the “Bodensee Triptychon” was published by Herne in a translation by Henryk Bereska and Agnieszka Grzybowska.

From 1992 to 1998 he published the literary quarterly “Bundesstrasse 1” in cooperation with magazines from Germany and Poland.

Załuski has published on the radio and in the press in Poland , Germany , the Netherlands , Switzerland and Canada , in important Polish literary journals such as Twórczość, Przegląd Polityczny, Czas Kultury and Zarys. His texts have also been published in the anthologies "Between the Lines" and "Lekcja pisania". He is co-editor of the anthologies of Polish literature (“Napisane w Niemczech / Written in Germany” and “New stories from the Pollakey”).

In 2000 he represented Poland at the Frankfurt Book Fair and was the manager of two cultural projects, the “Danziger Kulturtage am Bodensee” in 1998 in Friedrichshafen and the “Days of New Polish Literature” in 1998 in Singen . Załuski has been a participant in the German-Polish poet steamer several times and is part of the German-Polish group of authors around the anthology “ Lubliner Lift ”.

From 2006 he has been in charge of the Pomeranian newspaper “Riviera”. In 2015 he received the Alexander Milski Prize from the Polish Association of Journalists.

Załuski lives in Gdansk.



  • "Tryptyk bodeński / Lake Constance Triptych". Sopot : Man Gala Press 1996.
  • "Szpital Polonia / Spital Poland". Poznań : Obserwator 1999.
  • "Wypędzeni do raju". Gdańsk : Maszoperia Literacka 2010.
  • "Imigranci / Immigrants". Gdańsk : Oskar 2015.


  • "Almanach literacki Bundesstrasse 1". Dortmund : Grupa "b1" 1993.
  • "Lekcja pisania". Czarne: Wyd. Czarne 1998.

Selected translations into German

  • "The year 1994". (Cycle of 12 stories). Translation: Henryk Bereska . “Between the Lines, A Polish Anthology”. Hanover : Postskriptum Verlag 1996, ISBN 3-922382-70-3 .
  • Bodensee Triptych (original title: Tryptyk Bodeaeski , translated by Agnieszka Grzybkowska and Henryk Bereska ). Schäfer, Herne 2000, ISBN 3-933337-18-6 .
  • “Hospital Polonia” (selection). Translation: Judith Arlt. "Napisane w Niemczech - antologia / Written in Germany - anthology". Jestetten / Cologne : b1 Verlag / Ignis eV 2000.
  • "Ségolène". (Selection). Translation: Michael Steinhilper and Judith Arlt . “New Stories from Pollakey - Anthology of Contemporary Polish Prose”. Jestetten / Berlin : b1 Verlag / Humboldt University 2000.
  • "Aussiedlerblues" (selection). Translation: Agnieszka Grzybowska “Zarys - Kulturmagazin” nr 9, Messel 2010.

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