Krzysztof Teodor Toeplitz

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Krzysztof Teodor Toeplitz

Krzysztof Teodor Toeplitz (born January 28, 1933 in Otrębusy near Pruszków , † March 30, 2010 in Warsaw ) was a Polish journalist, publicist, film critic and screenwriter.


Toeplitz studied after graduating from the Warsaw Stefan Batory High School art history at the University of Warsaw . He graduated in 1955. As early as 1952 he began to work as a journalist, first for the culture magazine Nowa Kultura (1952–1959), then for Przegląd Kultury (1959/60) and the Kultura magazine (1965–1969, 1975–1981). He was editor-in-chief of the Szpilki magazine (1969–1975) and the daily Nowa Europa (1991/92) and, from 1994, of the Wiadomości Kulturalnych newspaper . In the 1980s he had a column in the weekly Polityka . Until his death he was a columnist for the weekly magazine Przegląd and wrote daily comments also in the form of columns for the daily Trybuna .

He started working for Polish film in the 1950s. From 1955 to 1958 he was chief dramaturge at the film production company Filmstudio Kadr von Jerzy Kawalerowicz . He then held this position again from 1981 to 1987. The first film based on a screenplay by Toeplitz was released in 1959. Together with director Jerzy Gruza , he created the popular television series Czterdziestolatek (German: The Forty Years) in the 1970s . From 1974 to 1977, 21 episodes of the comedic-satirical family series were created, which showed the life and crises of a 40-year-old construction manager and his family in Warsaw during the building boom of the Edward Gierek era . The series is still regularly repeated on Polish television today. Toeplitz wrote a sequel with Gruza in the 1990s under the title Czterdziestolatek - twenty years later .

Toeplitz was also a lecturer at the PWST State Theater School in Warsaw from 1973 to 1980 . From 1983 to 1990 he taught at the Łódź Film School , whose former rector was his uncle Jerzy Toeplitz . He was also the author of various cultural programs on television and various books on cultural studies and cultural criticism. He was also one of the first to treat comics as an art form in Poland . In 1985 the first serious book on the art of comics in Poland was published.

His son with the ballerina and choreographer Krystyna Mazurówna is the musician Kasper T. Toeplitz .

Filmography (a selection)

  • 1959 - Pan Anatol szuka miliona - Director: Jan Rybkowski
  • 1970 - The Woodpecker (Dzięcioł) - Director: Jerzy Gruza
  • 1976 - I am a butterfly (Motylem jestem, czyli romans 40-latka)
  • 1981 - Fever (Gorączka) - directed by Agnieszka Holland

Bibliography (a selection)

  • 1964 - Kino dla wszystkich
  • 1967 - Sekrety Filmu
  • 1968 - Akyrema
  • 1970 - Mieszkańcy masowej wyobraźni
  • 1983 - 16 miesięcy: felietony (sierpień 1980 - grudzień 1981)
  • 1985 - Sztuka komiksu
  • 2004 - Rodzina Toeplitzów. Książka mojego ojca
  • 2006 - Dokąd prowadzą nas media

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kasper T. Toeplitz - biography (website of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute , Polish)