Kuprijan Ossipowitsch Kirkisch

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Kuprijan Ossipowitsch Kirkisch ( Russian Куприян Осипович Киркиж ; usb. Kupriyan Osipovich Kirkizh ; born September 17, jul. / 29. September  1888 greg. In Smoljanka in Vitebsk ; † 24. May 1932 ) was a Russian - Soviet politician and the second Secretary-General of the Communist Party of the Uzbek Soviet Republic.


Kuprijan Kirkisch was born in 1888 in the village of Smoljanka in Vitebskaya Woblasz , in today's Belarus , where he later worked in a nearby paper mill. He eventually moved to Riga , where he also worked in a factory. In 1910 he became a member of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party , which later became the Communist Party . During the First World War he took an administrative position in Kharkov . There he became involved in the party and quickly rose to head a provincial committee.

In 1917 he took part in the October Revolution and rose further in the party hierarchy. From 1925 he was a member of the Central Committee . From 1927 to 1929 he was finally general secretary of the Communist Party of the Uzbek SSR . In 1929 he was replaced in this office by Nikolai Gikalo .

On May 24, 1932, Kirkisch died in a car accident. He was buried in Moscow in the necropolis on the Kremlin wall . The instrument factory no. 2 in Kovrov was renamed on July 7, 1932 in his honor to instrument factory no. 2 "KO Kirkisch" ( Russian Инструментальны завод № 2 имени К. О. Киркижа ). Today a street in Kovrov is named after him. Kirkisch was a bearer of the Order of the Red Banner .

Individual evidence

  1. World Statesmen - Uzbekistan