Kurd Dalen

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Kurd Dalen (born November 19, 1884 in Potsdam , † September 15, 1941 in Munich ) was a German-Jewish industrial lawyer.


As the son of Robert Dalen , Kurd Dalen attended the cathedral high school in Magdeburg . After graduating from high school, he first studied law at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and the Silesian Friedrich Wilhelms University . As the fourth of his family , he renounced on October 17, 1903 with the Corps Borussia Breslau . On February 21, 1904 recipiert he was probably for reasons of study without the 8 May 1904 band released; because he moved to the Friedrichs-Universität Halle and immediately became active in the Corps Palaiomarchia . He proved himself as a consenior and senior . As an inactive he moved to the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , which made him Dr. iur. PhD . At that time his residence was Halle (Saale) . In 1921 he lived as a lawyer with his mother Gertrud geb. Friedenthal in Berlin-Lichterfelde . In 1922, after they moved, he took over the house as the owner. In 1924 he lived at Konstanzer Str. 62. In 1930 he was director of the Mercedes works in Zella-Mehlis . Kurd Dalen was married to Margarete geb. Lukszat (1891–1977), who was not subject to persecution by the Nuremberg Laws . The marriage was childless and was therefore not considered a “privileged mixed marriage ”, which Kurd Dalen would have protected from deportation . The couple moved with their mother Gertrud to Siegsdorf in Bavaria. The mother died there on June 14, 1939. The 1939 census recorded Kurd Dalen in Siegsdorf. Like his brother Fritz, he committed suicide before deportation .

Stumbling block

A stumbling block was laid in front of his house in Drakestrasse in Berlin in November 2012 .

Corps Palaiomarchia

When the Nazis after their seizure of power in 1933 began, all democratically structured organizations - including the Corps - the same switch , the leader principle to enforce and the Jews excluded from society, applied for six students of Palaiomarchia, her two elderly gentlemen Fritz Lassen and Kurd Dalen, the Mischlinge were to immediately withdraw their tapes. This should exclude them from the corps community, although both had made a special contribution to the corps: Dr. med. Fritz Lassen, who had emigrated to the United States before the First World War , had given his corps very generous support during the period of inflation. Kurd Dalen, son of respected Altmärkers Robert Dalen and brother of Ernst Dalen, who - also Altmärker - 1916 was dropped as an aviator, was for many years a member of the board of AH -Committee his corps, and also a highly decorated participants in the First World War , to the in required enforcement of the Aryan paragraph (still) the front fighter privilege could be used.

To avert impending damage to their corps, Lassen and Dalen offered to voluntarily lay down their ribbons. This was rejected almost unanimously by the Altmarkers and at the same time threatened the six applicants because of their violation of the principle of fraternal loyalty to the corps , to withdraw their tape and expel them from the corps. In a passionate circular on New Year's 1935, the then chairman of the AH committee , Bernhard Hofmann , threw the ringleader a. a. opposite:

“What does the applicant know about the need and concern of our corps brother to get a new position in Germany, what does he suspect of the internal struggles and torments that an upright man has to fight through in his situation during this time, what cares about the responsible man Question about the further right to exist for the corps brother and his wife? ... Whoever wears the ribbon of my corps is my corps brother and I defend and protect my brother body and soul ... I do not sacrifice my brother for my own sake or for the sake of my race. "

- Bernhard Hofmann

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Archives Corps Borussia Breslau
  2. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 61/311
  3. Dissertation: Liability for automobile damage before and after the law of May 3, 1909 came into force .
  4. a b c Michael Müller-Stüler
  5. Rosco GS Weber: The German Corps in the Third Reich . SH-Verlag, Cologne 1998, p. 125 ff .
  6. Jürgen Herrlein : On the "Aryan question" in student associations . Nomos, 2015, p. 374 .
  7. Rosco GS Weber: The German Corps in the Third Reich . S. 157 .
  8. ^ Gerhard Daniel: The situation of the Jewish Corpsbrüder 1930-1935 using the example of Palaiomarchia . In: The Altmärker-Bote - Corps newspaper of the Palaiomarchia . tape 4 . Halle 1996, p. 174-180 .
  9. ^ Circular letter to all Altmärker, New Year 1935 (Evangelisches Zentralarchiv in Berlin).