Kurt Hutten

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Kurt Hutten (born March 6, 1901 in Langenburg , † August 17, 1979 in Ludwigsburg ) was a German Protestant theologian , apologist and publicist .


After completing the mandatory schooling, Hutten attended the Evangelical Seminars in Maulbronn and Blaubeuren from 1915 to 1919 . He then studied Protestant theology at the University of Tübingen . Here he also became a member of the Tübingen royal society Roigel . In 1923 he passed the first theological exam and was vicar in Schnaitheim and Mergentheim until 1927 . Hutten completed his doctorate in philosophy in 1928 with the Tübingen religious scholar Jakob Wilhelm Hauer .

Professional activity

The stages of Hutten's professional career were:

From mid-1943 Hutten was called up for military service and was taken prisoner by the Americans until September 1945 . From 1952 to 1960, Hutten was then responsible for the German Pastor's Gazette and then headed the Protestant Central Office for Weltanschauung questions in Stuttgart for eight years . In 1970 he was appointed “Commissioner for Religious Minorities” by the EKD Council.

Hutten's main work seers, brooders, enthusiasts

His sect book seers, brooders , enthusiasts - first published in 1950 - became a " classic ". In 1982 it was published in its final version, which was reprinted three times unchanged until 1997. This standard work is used again and again. In his preoccupation with special communities, Hutten also saw an occasion for church self-criticism. He spoke of an “office of the sects”: “We must pay attention to the office that God has also given to the sects.” For such communities point to gaps in church preaching and shortcomings in church practice. Franz Graf-Stuhlhofer refers to this attitude and specifies it in the chapters “Learning processes through encounters with sect members” and “Theological insights through observation of the sect scene”.


  • National Socialism and Christianity . Evangelical Volksbund, Stuttgart 1932
  • Christ or German faith? A fight for the German soul . Steinkopf, Stuttgart 1935
  • A New Gospel? On the demand for a “national reformation” of the church . Quell, Stuttgart 1936
  • Seers, brooders, enthusiasts. The book of traditional sects and special religious movements . Quell, Stuttgart 1950; 12. A. ibid. 1982, ISBN 3-7918-2130-X
  • The belief world of the sectarian. Sectarianism as an anti-reformist denomination - its claim and its tragedy . Furche, Hamburg 1957
  • Space, man and heaven . Calwer (Issues 43), Stuttgart 1961
  • Asia missionaries in the West (edited with Siegfried von Kortzfleisch ). Kreuz, Stuttgart 1962
  • Migration of souls - hope or nightmare for humans? (with Siegfried von Kortzfleisch). Kreuz, Stuttgart 1962; 2nd supplement A. ibid. 1966
  • Christians behind the Iron Curtain . 2 volumes. Quell, Stuttgart 1962/63
  • What do the sects believe? Model, ways, question marks . Quell, Stuttgart 1965
  • The press as a pulpit? Annunciation in journalism 1938–1967 . Quell, Stuttgart 1967
  • Future - Paradise or the end of the world? Brockhaus, Wuppertal 1974, ISBN 3-417-00471-3


Web links

Single receipts

  1. The Evangelical Church Lexicon . Internationale theologische Enzyklopädie , Vol. 4, Göttingen 1996, Col. 196, states about this work: “comprehensive description and literature” (in the article sect , by Wolfgang Marhold).
  2. ^ So Hutten in the foreword of his book Seher, Grübler, Enthusiasten , already in the 1st edition from 1950.
  3. ^ Franz Graf-Stuhlhofer: Warnings against wrong ways or self-questioning as a church. In: Christian Herrmann, Rolf Hille (ed.): Believe responsibly. A thematic book on Christian apologetics . VTR, Nuremberg 2016, pp. 284–293, there 289f.
  4. Graf-Stuhlhofer: Warning of wrong ways or self-questioning as a church. The church debate with so-called "sects". In: Herrmann, Hille: Believing responsibly. 2016, pp. 290-293.