Kwango Province

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Bas-Uele Équateur Haut-Katanga Haut-Lomami Haut-Uele Ituri Kasaï Kasaï-Central Kasaï-Oriental Kinshasa Kongo Central Kwango Kwilu Lomami Lualaba Mai-Ndombe Maniema Mongala Nord-Kivu Nord-Ubangi Sankuru Sud-Kivu Sud-Ubangi Tanganyika Tshopo Tshuapamap
About this picture
country Congo Democratic RepublicDemocratic Republic of Congo Democratic Republic of Congo
Provincial capital Kenge
National language Kikongo
surface 89,974 km²
population 2,152,000 (2015)
Population density 23.9 / km²
ISO 3166-2 CD-KG

Kwango is a province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with around 2.1 million inhabitants (2015). The capital is Kenge .


Kwango is located in the southwest of the country and is traversed by the Kwilu River. It is bordered to the north by the province of Kwilu , to the east by Kasaï , to the south and west by Angola and to the northwest by Congo Central and Kinshasa .


Kwango Province was established in 1962. On January 18, 1966, the province of Bandundu was formed from Kwango, Kwilu and Mai-Ndombe .

According to the administrative reallocation of the country, which was provided for in the constitution of 2005, the province of Bandundu should be divided, Kwango should be given provincial status again and, as one of 26 provinces, should have an independent administration and its own regional parliament. In January 2011, the administrative reform was practically canceled by a controversial constitutional amendment by President Joseph Kabila . However, the administrative change was implemented in 2015 and Kwango was given province status again.

Heads of government

The heads of government first bore the name President, from 1965 Governor.

  • Albert Delvaux (September 23, 1962 - November 11, 1962)
  • Emmanuel Mayamba (November 1962)
  • Alphonse Pashi (1962 - April 1963)
  • Pierre Masikita (August 1963 - April 1964)
  • Belunda Kavunzu (April 1964 - September 30, 1964)
  • Joseph Kulumba (September 30, 1964 - August 24, 1965)
  • Pierre Masikita (August 24, 1965 - April 25, 1966; 2nd term)

Administrative division


  • Feshi
  • Kahemba
  • Kasango-Lunda
  • Kenge
  • Popokabaka


  • Leo Frobenius : Ethnographic notes from the years 1905 - 1906. Volume 1: Völker am Kwilu and lower Kasai (= studies for cultural studies. 80). Edited and edited by Hildegard Klein. Steiner, Stuttgart 1985, ISBN 3-515-04271-7 .
  • Clément Molo Mumvwela: Le développement local au Kwango-Kwilu (RD Congo) (= European university publications . Series 29: Social economics. Vol. 18). Lang, Bern et al. 2004, ISBN 3-03910-397-0 (also: Rome, Pontificia University Gregoriana, dissertation, 2004).

Individual evidence