Loeninger Mühlenbach

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Loeninger Mühlenbach
The Löninger Mühlenbach between Hamstrup and Oldendorf.

The Löninger Mühlenbach between Hamstrup and Oldendorf .

location District of Cloppenburg , Lower Saxony , Germany
River system Ems
Drain over Hase  → Ems  → North Sea
source On the southern edge of the core town of Cloppenburg
52 ° 49 ′ 30 ″  N , 8 ° 2 ′ 25 ″  E
muzzle On the southern outskirts of Löningen in the Hase Coordinates: 52 ° 43 '54 "  N , 7 ° 46' 9"  E 52 ° 43 '54 "  N , 7 ° 46' 9"  E
Mouth height 20  m above sea level NN

The Löninger Mühlenbach is a flowing water in the city of Cloppenburg and in the communities of Cappeln (Oldenburg) , Lastrup and Löningen in the Lower Saxony district of Cloppenburg .

The right tributary of the Hase has its source on the southern edge of the core city of Cloppenburg . From there it flows largely in a south-westerly direction. To the north-east of Tegelrieden , a district of the unified municipality of Cappeln, it houses the Ziegelhofbäke . It crosses under the B 68 , takes up the Vltava southwest of Kneheim , a district of the municipality of Lastrup, and runs on the southern outskirts of the core town of Lastrup. There, he takes on the south edge the watch on, is parallel to B 213 , on the southeastern edge of the 75  ha large protected area Oldendorfer Moor and past the Good Duderstadt . It finally flows through the core town of Löningen and flows into the Große Hase on the southern edge of the town .

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