Laber-Abens cycle path

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Laber-Abens cycle path
overall length 36 km
location BavariaBavaria Bavaria
Starting point Abensberg
Target point Neufahrn in Lower Bavaria
Places along the way Abensberg ,
Rohr in Niederbayern ,
Neufahrn in Niederbayern
Flooring Mostly asphalted,
partly water-bound surface
Height difference Abensberg → Neufahrn i. NB .:
gradient : 295 m total gradient: 266 m

highest point: 475 m
lowest point: 366 m
difficulty easy-medium
Traffic volume Bike paths, little-used back roads
Connection to Munich-Regensburg-Prague ,
Niederbayerntour ,
Abens-Radweg ,
Hallertauer Hopfentour ,
Radweg-Kelheim-Abensberg ,
D-Route 11 ,
Labertal-Radweg ,
Website URL

The Laber – Abens – Radweg is a 36-kilometer long- distance cycle path in Bavaria that leads from Abensberg through the Danube-Isar hill country to Neufahrn in Lower Bavaria .


Abensberg landmark: Maderturm

The cycle path begins together with the cycle path – Kelheim – Abensberg , with which it runs a short distance in the center of Abensberg. After the Kelheim-Abensberg cycle path junction, the Laber-Abens cycle path leads southeast to Rohr i. NB. The bike path runs along the Große Laber between Kalteneck and Schaltdorf . At Hebramsdorf, the cycle path meets the course of the Kleine Laber , which it takes downriver to Neufahrn i. NB. follows.

The Laber – Abens cycle path connects the Abens cycle path (Bad-Gögging – Marzling) and the Kelheim-Abensberg cycle path with the Labertal cycle path (Neufahrn i. NB. – Straubing) and the Isar-Laber cycle path (Neufahrn i. NB. –Landshut). It is part of D-Route 11 and the Hallertau Hop Tour .

Culture and sights

On the well-signposted path, Neufahrn Castle , the Asamkirche in Rohr and the old town of Abensberg are well worth seeing .

Individual evidence

  1. The Laber-Abens cycle path in the Bayernnetz portal for cyclists, accessed on March 18, 2015.