Land Sucha

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Arcade courtyard of the castle

The country Sucha (Polish Państwo suskie ) was a latifundie of the Suski, Komorowski , Wielopolski , Branicki and Tarnowski in the valleys of the Skawa and Stryszawka between the Makov Beskids and the Little Beskids . The seat of the latifundy was the Sucha Castle in Sucha Beskidzka .


In 1493 the village Sucha was owned by Stanisław Słupski, whose predecessors owned several villages in the area from the early 15th century. In addition to Sucha, Stanisław Słupski also had Stryszów , Dąbrówka and Marcówka . In 1530, Sucha and Zembrzyce were owned by Jan Zembrzycki. On February 8, 1554, Kasper Castiglione, a Krakow citizen of Italian origin, bought Sucha and Stryszawa from Stanisław Słupski. In 1564, at the same time as the duchies of Auschwitz and Zator were incorporated into Poland as a district of Silesia , Kasper Castiglione was ennobled to Suski de Casa Castiglione and recognized as the noble owner of villarum Sucha et Streschawa in ducatu Zatoriensi legitimus haeres .

The latifundy was created by dividing the Saybusch land into three parts by way of succession within the Komorowski magnate family in 1608. Heir to the Sucha land was Piotr Komorowski. In contrast to the rich heartland of Saybusch in the fertile Saybusch basin , the Sand Sucha was located in the Beskids . The income it generated for its owner was significantly lower. In 1665 it came to Jan Wielopolski as a dowry . It belonged to the Wielkopolski family until the middle of the 19th century , who sold it to the Branicki in 1846/1851 . In 1914 it passed to the Tarnowski family , who managed it until 1939, when the last owner Juliusz Tarnowski fled to France after the German invasion of Poland . During the Soviet occupation of Poland in 1944, the Tarnowski were expropriated and the Land Sucha dissolved. Today the territories of the Land Sucha lie in both the Silesian Voivodeship and the Lesser Poland Voivodeship .

Individual evidence

  1. Sucha ..., 1998, pp. 48-49.


  • Józef Hampel, Feliks Kiryk: Sucha Beskidzka . Wydawnictwo i Drukarnia “SECESJA”, Kraków 1998, ISBN 83-8734565-2 .
  • Beskid Żywiecki. Przewodnik, S. Figiel, Pruszków: Oficyna Wydawnicza “Rewasz”, 2006, ISBN 83-89188-59-7

See also