Landolfo Brancaccio

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Landolfo Brancaccio (* in Naples ; † October 29, 1312 in Avignon ) was a cardinal of the Catholic Church .


He came from a highly respected family, from which later the Cardinals Niccolò Brancaccio , Rinaldo Brancaccio , Ludovico Bonito , Tommaso Brancaccio , Francesco Maria Brancaccio and Stefano Brancaccio emerged . Around 1293 he became Bishop of Aversa .

Pope Celestine V appointed him cardinal deacon in the consistory of September 18, 1294 and awarded him the title deaconry Sant'Angelo in Pescheria . Brancaccio took part in the conclave in the same year , at which Boniface VIII was elected Pope. He became a legate in England in 1295 and returned from this mission in May 1299. On August 7, 1299 he went on a new mission as legate and co-administrator with Prince Philip of Taranto , the son of King Charles II of Naples , in the Kingdom of Naples . During his mission, a dispute arose among the Canons of Mileto over the choice of a new bishop. Landolfo Brancaccio, with the approval of Pope Boniface VIII, decided in favor of the candidate favored by King Charles II. In the dispute between Boniface VIII and King Philip IV of France , he was inclined to the French king. At the 1303 conclave , which Benedict XI. voted for past, Landolfo Brancaccio also took part. He was also among the papal voters of the conclave 1304-1305 , from which Clement V emerged as pope. After his election and the relocation of the papal curia to Avignon, Brancaccio lost more and more of his political influence. In 1308, together with the Cardinals Béranger Frédol the Elder and Étienne de Suisy the Grand Master of the Templar Order, he brought the bull of graduation to Chinon , where he was imprisoned. In 1310 he and Cardinal Étienne de Suisy settled a dispute between King Philip IV and the city of Lyon.

Landolfo Brancaccio took part in the Council of Vienne (1311-1312). He died in Avignon and was buried in the local cathedral .


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