Conclave 1303

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Coronation of Benedict XI. , Santa Maria Novella in Florence

In the conclave of 1303 , which met from October 21, 1303 to October 22, 1303, Niccolò Boccasini , Cardinal Bishop of Ostia , became Pope Benedict XI. elected.


As a result of a conspiracy by Philip IV of France , the French Chancellor Wilhelm von Nogaret , the Florentine banker Musciatto and Sciarra Colonna , who supported numerous members of the College of Cardinals, Pope Boniface VIII was held in the papal residence in Anagni . Troops of the Orsini patrician family were able to free him from this captivity, but imprisoned him again in Rome . In this protective custody Boniface VIII died a little later on October 11, 1303.


Ten days after the death of Boniface VIII, the College of Cardinals entered the conclave in Rome. It was the first of its kind to be installed within the walls of Alt-St. Peter on the Vatican Hill . The conclave had 18 participants. After just one day, on October 22, 1303, the Italian Cardinal Bishop of Ostia Niccolò Boccasini was unanimously elected Pope. He gave himself the name Benedict XI. The enthronement in Rome followed on October 27, 1303 . The sedis vacancy was therefore only 16 days, which is a comparatively very short duration.

Important offices

During the vacancy, these offices were held by the following participants:


Of the 18 participants, 15 were appointed during the tenure of Boniface VIII. In 1303, Matteo Rubeo Orsini was a member of a conclave for the twelfth time.

The following cardinals took part in the conclave:

See also


  2. ^ A b c Conclave of October 21-22, 1303. In: Salvador Miranda : The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. ( Florida International University website , English)