Conclave 1484

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The 1484 conclave met after the death of Sixtus IV . It lasted from August 26th to 29th, 1484 and chose Innocent VIII.

The vote

The immediate context of the election was the almost unprecedented occupation of the College of Cardinals by Sixtus IV, not only in terms of overall size, but also in terms of cardinal nephews and crown cardinals . As a result, almost all non-Venetian cardinals supported the continuation of Sixtus IV's policy of isolation from the Republic of Venice , in particular the Peace of Bagnolo of August 7, 1484. However, the two cardinal factions differed in whether the church should prioritize the continuation of the Italian league or whether it should prioritize papal power (especially over Naples) over the maintenance of peace. Rodrigo de Borja led the first parliamentary group and Giuliano della Rovere the second; these factions have been roughly associated with the Orsini and Colonna families .

The conclave was carried out by the largest non- schismatic college since the eleventh century. Due to the violent dispute between the Colonna and the Orsini, the city of Rome was marked by far more unrest during the Sedis vacancy than was historically expected. While Count Girolamo Riario della Rovere was besieging a Colonna fortress, his palace was sacked and his wife fled to Castel Sant'Angelo . On his return to the city, Count Riario joined his wife and held the castle until he was persuaded to withdraw from the city for a payment of 4,000 ducats. To prevent the election of Cardinal Marco Barbo , the evening before the election, after the cardinals had retired for the night, della Rovere and Borgia visited a number of cardinals and secured their votes with promises of various benefices.

Eligible voters

When Sixtus died, the college of cardinals consisted of 32 cardinals, 25 of whom attended the conclave :

cardinal origin rank title Raised on by Remarks
Rodrigo de Borja Spain Cardinal Bishop Bishop of Porto-Santa Rufina , administrator of Valencia Cardinal dean ; later Pope Alexander VI .; Cardinal deposit
Giuliano della Rovere Liguria Cardinal Bishop Bishop of Ostia and Velletri, Bishop of Bologna , Administrator of Avignon later Pope Julius II; Cardinal deposit
Oliviero Carafa Cardinal Bishop Bishop of Albano
Marco Barbo Venice Cardinal Bishop Bishop of Palestrina , Patriarch of Aquileia Cardinal deposit
Giovanni Battista Zeno Venice Cardinal Bishop Bishop of Frascati Cardinal deposit
Giovanni Michiel Venice Cardinal priest San Marcello Cardinal deposit
Stefano Nardini Cardinal priest Santa Maria in Trastevere , Archbishop of Milan
Giovanni Battista Cibo Liguria Cardinal priest Santa Cecilia in Trastevere , Bishop of Molfetta later Pope Innocent VIII.
Giovanni Arcimboldi Cardinal priest Santa Prassede , Bishop of Novara
Philibert Hugonet France Cardinal priest Santi Giovanni e Paolo , Bishop of Mâcon
Jorge da Costa , O.Cist. Portugal Cardinal priest Santi Marcellino e Pietro , Archbishop of Lisbon
Girolamo Basso della Rovere Liguria Cardinal priest San Crisogono , Bishop of Recanati Cardinal deposit
Pietro Foscari Cardinal priest San Niccola fra le Immagini
Giovanni d'Aragona Naples Cardinal priest Santa Sabina
Raffaele Riario Liguria Cardinal priest San Lorenzo in Damaso Cardinal deposit
Domenico della Rovere Cardinal priest San Clemente , Archbishop of Turin Cardinal deposit
Giovanni Conti Cardinal priest Santi Nereo ed Achilleo , Archbishop of Conza
Juan Margarit y Pau Spain Cardinal priest San Vitale , Bishop of Girona
Giovanni Giacomo Sclafenati Cardinal priest Santo Stefano al Monte Celio , Bishop of Parma
Francesco Todeschini-Piccolomini Cardinal deacon Sant'Eustachio , Bishop of Siena later Pope Pius III.
Gabriele Rangone , O.Min.Obs. Cardinal deacon Santi Sergio e Bacco al Foro Romano , Bishop of Agrigento
Giovanni Battista Savelli Cardinal deacon San Nicola in Carcere
Giovanni Colonna Cardinal deacon Santa Maria in Aquiro
Giambattista Orsini Cardinal deacon Santa Maria Nuova
Ascanio Sforza Cardinal deacon Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia

The cardinals did not take part in the conclave:

cardinal origin rank title Raised on by Remarks
Luis Juan del Milà Spain Cardinal priest Santi Quattro Coronati , Bishop of Lérida
Thomas Bourchier England Cardinal priest San Ciriaco alle Terme Diocleziane , Archbishop of Canterbury September 18, 1467 Paul II
Jean de La Balue France Cardinal Bishop Santa Susanna , Bishop of Albano , Bishop of Angers September 18, 1467 Paul II
Pedro González de Mendoza Spain Cardinal priest Santa Croce in Gerusalemme , Archbishop of Seville and Administrator of Sigùenza
Charles de Bourbon France Cardinal priest Santi Silvestro e Martino ai Monti , Archbishop of Lyon
Pierre de Foix France Cardinal deacon Santi Cosma e Damiano , Bishop of Vannes
Paolo di Campofregoso Genoa Cardinal priest Sant'Anastasia al Palatino , Archbishop of Genoa


  • Francis A. Burkle-Young: The Election of Pope Innocent VIII (1484) .

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